The Science Capability and Partnerships Sponsorship Program offers funding support for WA based research focussed conferences and conventions.
Program support between $5,000 and $20,000 is available for initiatives that strengthen WA's research ecosystem, enhance capabilities, and elevate the state's national and international research profile.
The initiative aligns with the WA 10-Year Science and Technology Plan.
More information is below the application form, including the attached Program Guidelines. Applicants should read the guidelines before submitting their application.
For any questions about the application process, please contact the Science Capability and Partnerships team.
Application form
Complete the online form below and click submit. Applications to be considered for the 2024-2025 financial year close Monday 19 May 2025.
Who is eligible
Show moreTo be considered eligible for Science Capability and Partnerships sponsorship funding, the applicant must:
- Have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and/or Australian Company Number (ACN)
- Have the business/organisation’s (including not-for-profits) registered business address in the State of Western Australia; or
- Be an Australian business/organisation located in the State of Western Australia, that is hosting an initiative within the State of Western Australia.
- Be made by a valid legal entity that can enter into a funding agreement with the Western Australian Government.
- Be a solvent Western Australian based non-government organisation (business or not-for-profit).
The application must:
- Not have secured funding from Business Events Perth
- Not be for a human health-related event
- Be for an event that will attract national and/or international participants
- Be for an event that seeks sponsorship from multiple entities, not just JTSI
- Address the selection criteria; and
- Not be requesting more than $20,000.
Eligible proposals will be evaluated by the Science Capability and Partnerships team based on the objectives and selection criteria outlined in these guidelines. Proposals that do not meet the basic requirements will not be assessed further.
Queries about eligibility criteria or general questions about Science Capability and Partnerships sponsorship funding can be addressed to JTSI's Science team via email.
Funding amounts available
Show moreFunding support is available in amounts ranging from $5,000 to $20,000. Sponsorship proposals requesting more than $20,000 will not be considered.
Sponsorship is allocated on a competitive basis, with proposals required to clearly demonstrate they meet the selection criteria. Financial assistance under sponsorship is at the absolute discretion of the Western Australian Government and is subject to the availability of funds.
Receiving funding from Business Events Perth is an exclusion criterion for this sponsorship program. JTSI, through tourism WA, contributes funding to Business Events Perth, which can provide comprehensive support for your event.
Therefore, prospective applicants are recommended to investigate support from Business Events Perth in the first instance.
Receipt of sponsorship does not guarantee funding for the same initiative the following year and recipients are encouraged to explore co-investment opportunities from other sources.
Participation in the application and evaluation processes does not establish:
a) Legal relations or any agreement between the Minister for Science or the Western Australian Government and the applicant; or
b) Legitimate expectations on the part of the applicant.
How to apply
Show moreA sponsorship proposal must address the selection criteria and be submitted by an eligible organisation based in Western Australia. Read the program guidelines for further information.
Proposals must be submitted using the online submission form and can be submitted at any time during the year. The proposal should clearly state the amount of sponsorship funding sought and may include options for varying levels of sponsorship (i.e., Gold, Silver, and Bronze).
Eligible proposals will be evaluated by the Science Capability and Partnerships team based on objectives and selection criteria outlined in these guidelines. Proposals that do not meet the basic requirements will not be assessed further.
Sponsorship proposal requirements
Show moreApplicants are requested to submit a sponsorship proposal that includes the following information:
Description of the initiative
- Overall Description: Provide a comprehensive overview of the initiative.
- Objectives and Activities: Outline the main goals and planned activities of the initiative.
- Audience/Participants: Specify the target audience and participants for the initiative.
- Timeline: Present a proposed timeline, detailing key phases and milestones.
- KPIs and Milestones: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and milestones to measure the success of the initiative, including expected outputs such as the number of participants.
- Acknowledgement of JTSI: Explain how JTSI’s support will be recognised and detail any specific sponsorship benefits JTSI will receive.
- Sponsorship Request: State the amount of sponsorship requested from JTSI.
- Detailed Budget: Provide a budget breakdown, specifying identified costs and how the sponsorship funds will be allocated.
- Co-investment: List any co-investment from the applicant and other parties, including both cash contributions and in-kind support.
- Expected Outcomes and Impact: Identify the anticipated outcomes and impact on participants and the broader Western Australian community, referencing evidence such as KPIs from previous initiatives.
- Measurement and Evidence Collection: Describe how you will measure and collect evidence of the initiative’s outcomes for participants. This should include the KPIs you will track and the methods of data collection, such as surveys and case studies.
Proposal selection criteria
Show moreEach eligible sponsorship proposal will be assessed on merit across the following 3 themes:
- Impact – The proposal's benefit to the Western Australian community
- Excellence – How the initiative will support excellence in scientific research in Western Australia
- Alignment – The proposal’s relevance to State Government needs as well as the priorities outlined in the WA 10-Year Science and Technology Plan.
Show moreSuccessful applicants will enter into a Sponsorship Agreement with JTSI and will be required to provide a report upon completion of the event or activity providing evidence of outcomes for participants and benefits to WA.
JTSI should also be acknowledged on websites, promotional material and program content.