Apply and pay for a firearms licence

Details on what you need to know before applying and paying for a firearms licence online.
Last updated:

You must have a genuine reason and need to own a firearm such as hunting, destroying livestock or vermin control, club use or sporting shooting. You also need to be at least 18 years old and review and understand an information package before you apply.

When you complete and print your application form you are given an application summary and a list of supporting documents you need to take to an Australia Post office.

The full details you submit online are sent to Australia Post and the information is retrieved when the barcode on your application summary is scanned.

You will need identification, a firearms awareness certificate from a firearms club or association if applying for the first time and a serviceability certificate for each firearm you wish to licence, provided by a firearms dealer.

Supporting documentation is also required, such as a:

If this is your first time applying your licence will not be processed until 28 days after being received. This cooling off period is a legal requirement.