$120,000 funding available for local governments to identify and protect local heritage sites

News story
Local governments throughout Western Australia can now apply for a share of $120,000 in State Government funding to assess, review, and develop local frameworks that protect places of cultural heritage significance through their local planning schemes.
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The 2022-23 Local Government Heritage Consultancy Grants Program will provide local governments with up to $20,000 each in matched funding, so they can engage specialist heritage consultants to help with reviewing and developing their local heritage framework.

Under the Heritage Act 2018 and the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, local governments are required to prepare a Local Heritage Survey (LHS) and a heritage list respectively to identify, record and protect heritage places within their localities.

Funding is available to help with assessing, reviewing, and developing heritage lists, heritage areas, LHS's, heritage-related local planning policies, and heritage strategies or similar guideline documents.

To prepare local heritage frameworks local governments are required to work with their communities to determine which places have or might have cultural heritage significance and need protection as part of the local planning scheme.

To apply for the Local Government Heritage Consultancy Grants Program visit: https://www.wa.gov.au/lg-heritage-grants

Applications close at 5pm on Monday 5 December, 2022. 

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