$2.5 million funding boost announced for disability service providers

News story
Over $2.5 million in funding has been extended to 13 WA disability service providers to help address workforce challenges in the sector, through the Disability Workforce Development and Retention Fund.
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Young boy in wheelchair smiling. He is with a young female carer who is holding colourful building blocks.

The Workforce Development and Retention Fund will support NDIS registered providers and funded services in identifying and trialling innovative ways to attract and retain workers with the right skills, values, and attributes.

The Department of Communities engaged National Disability Services WA to administer the Fund with a requirement that two-thirds of funding to be allocated to providers delivering services in regional areas, and one-third to metropolitan providers.

A number of the programs funded will focus on culturally appropriate disability support services for Aboriginal people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

For more, see the full media statement.