Discussing positive outcomes for Substantive Equality

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The Equal Opportunity Commission recently hosted a Substantive Equality Forum to start new and robust conversations in the State public sector about equitable outcomes for diverse communities in WA.
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Diana MacTiernan and panellists

The forum comprised introductions from Equal Opportunity Commissioner Dr John Byrne, Executive Director Workforce Policy and Practise Public Sector Commission Lindsay Warner and Acting Director Community Engagement and Strategy Anukool Sathu, followed by a panel discussion from two community representatives and two public sector policy executives. 

The panelists were GRAI (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Rights in Ageing Inc) Executive Officer Kedy Kristal, Department of Communities Director Inclusion Policy and Design Claire Hurst, disability and race advocate at KIN Adv Siyat Abdi and Department of Transport Director of the Driving Access and Equity program Katherine Drakeford. 

All spoke about successful consultations and consultation methods that needed improvement, which led guests in the audience to speak about their achievements and the lessons they had learned in community consultation during the policy design process as senior public sector managers. 

Strategy and Engagement Manager Diana MacTiernan said everyone in the room showed a lot of enthusiasm towards achieving equitable outcomes for diverse groups in WA.

"It was wonderful to hear the reflections made by not only panellists, but policy makers in the audience who showed a real understanding of the importance of achieving Substantive Equality for the WA public," she said.