Education and outreach for future Aboriginal leaders

News story
Senior Aboriginal Education and Conciliation Officer Stephen Goodall provided the first in a series of rights-based training sessions to Certificate IV Aboriginal Leadership and Mentoring students at South Metropolitan TAFE recently.
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Stephen Goodall and Community Education and Training Officer Kayla Manuel students

Four Equal Opportunity Law Awareness sessions are provided to the Aboriginal Leadership and Mentoring students per year. 

Stephen said understanding equal opportunity legislation was essential for any leadership course, but especially so for this cohort who were likely to deal with workplace discrimination and harassment in the course of mentoring their community.

"It is important for our community to have a good understanding of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (the Act) and other anti-discrimination legislation so they feel confident to challenge unlawful behaviours when they see it," he said.

The group were interested to learn about how the complaint process worked, the different grounds of the Act and where the Act applied.

"It was a wonderful opportunity for us to explain what can be done if someone experiences discrimination and how they can do it," he said.