School counsellors and psychologists will become mandatory reporters of child sexual abuse

News story
Mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse in Western Australia will be expanded on 1 May 2024 to better protect children and young people.
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On 1 May 2024, mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse in Western Australia will be expanded to include school counsellors and psychologists. The changes will see reporting of child sexual abuse become a legal requirement for these two reporter groups.

They are part of the eight new mandatory reporter groups being implemented through a staggered approach following the passing of the Children and Community Services Amendment Act 2021. Over the next 15 months, mandatory reporter groups in Western Australia will be further expanded to include early childhood workers and youth justice workers.

The expansion is being managed in stages to ensure each group receives the necessary training and support to fulfil their new reporting obligations. To further support this, Communities has free mandatory reporter training to prepare reporter groups for their commencement dates. For more information and to access free mandatory reporter online training and resources, visit Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse in WA.

Any person with concerns about a child’s wellbeing is urged to notify Communities, regardless of whether that person is a mandatory reporter. This enables authorities to assess the circumstances and take action to protect the child and other children where necessary. Life-threatening concerns about a child should be reported to the police on 000.