TAC Update - Issue 95 - June 2024

News story
News story Training Accreditation Council's monthly newsletter providing information on the new Fit and Proper Person Requirements (FPPR) Policy, TAC's education program, and a focus article on RTO Governance Ensuring Quality Through Effective Practices.
Last updated:

Following the early changes to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 implemented on 1 March 2024, the Training Accreditation Council (the Council) has endorsed a new Fit and Proper Person Requirements (FPPR) Policy. The policy assists RTOs and the Council in ensuring compliance with the FPPR outlined in Clause 7.1 and Schedule 3 of the Standards.

The Policy outlines key stages in the Council's management of FPPR and clarifies the steps in assessing Fit and Proper Person Declarations (Declarations), including:

  1. Submission: Organisations applying for initial registration, renewal of registration, or employing new people in managerial roles must submit declarations. National Police Clearances are required for individuals identified in initial registration applications.
  2. Initial Review: The declarations and other relevant factors are reviewed to determine if individuals meet the FPPR. If required TAC may seek additional information from the RTO.
  3. Further Information: If concerns arise during the review, the RTO has the opportunity to respond.
  4. Council Decision: The Council makes the final decision based on all the information available, including the RTO's response (if applicable).

A copy of the policy can be downloaded from the Fit and Proper Person Requirements webpage.

In addition, to remain compliant with Clause 7.1, RTOs must have a system in place to ensure those in managerial roles continually meet the FPPR, including when the RTO is appointing an individual to the relevant position. Any changes in management personnel must be reported to TAC with a completed Declaration form.

The Council will be hosting a webinar on this Policy specifically for TAC regulated RTOs on Monday, July 15th.   Register Now. As the Policy only applies to RTOs registered with the Council, participation in the live session is restricted, however a recording will be made available afterwards on the TAC YouTube channel.

TAC Education Program

Upcoming Events

Register now for our upcoming events. You can also be alerted to new events by following TAC’s Event Page on Humanitix:

Webinar Recordings:

View the TAC Education Program to access professional development opportunities, support and guidance materials and access previous webinar recordings and resources. Catch up now on the following recent webinar:

Assessment Validation

This webinar provides practical information on how to develop and implement a comprehensive plan for ongoing and systematic validation of assessment for training products on an RTO’s scope. 

Revised Standards for RTOs Update

On 24 May 2024, Skills and Workforce Ministers discussed the significant progress on the revised Standards for RTOs and their shared ambition to lift quality and integrity across the entire sector, through a more flexible, robust, quality driven approach to regulation. Skills Ministers agreed to progress the Standards for public release in August and to come into full regulatory effect from 1 July 2025.

The full communique is available from the Commonwealth Department of Employment and Workplace Relation’s website.  

Focus on Quality - RTO Governance Ensuring Quality Through Effective Practices

Every RTO relies on strong governance to achieve its goals, deliver quality training and assessment, maintain a positive reputation, and comply with regulations. Strong RTO governance ensures the RTO operates ethically, with integrity, continually improves its practices, and meets its obligations, including adhering to relevant regulations such as the  Fit and Proper Person Requirements (FPPR).

The Standards for RTOs reinforce strong governance as an essential aspect of RTO operations. While every Standard if not met, can impact quality outcomes, there are two Standards specifically designed to ensure effective governance practices within the RTO:

  • Standard 7: Effective governance and administration arrangements are in place.
  • Standard 8: Cooperation with the VET Regulator and continuous legal compliance.

Managing risk is crucial for all RTOs. It's not just about mitigating negative consequences, it's also about identifying opportunities and proactively addressing potential issues. Managing risk in the organisation is also about good governance.

The Standards offer flexibility regarding specific governance system and are informed by an RTOs business type, size, and scope of operations. The key is for the RTO to implement a governance systems that is accessible, understandable, and suitable for their organisation and achieves the intended purpose. 

For further information on RTO Governance, refer to the TAC Fact Sheet: Governance and the webinar recording, RTO Governance: Driving Quality Through Good Business Practice. These resources delve deeper into governance issues, including RTO business processes, record management, and managing third-party agreements.

RTO Reporting: Quality Indicators Due - 30 June

The Learner Engagement and Employer Satisfaction survey data is a key component of the Quality Indicators. survey data is a key component of the Quality Indicators. The RTO administers these surveys (electronically or in hard copy) to students and employers, collects the responses, and reports on the aggregated data.  

This data is submitted annually to TAC in a summary report. The report, due on June 30th, covers data collected from January 1st to December 31st of the previous calendar year.

Instructions for submitting a Summary Report:

1.Create a summary report (there is no prescribed template), which should include:

  • the total number of each questionnaire distributed
  • the total number of each survey received back
  • how the learner engagement data has been used to continuously improve the RTO’s services
  • how the employer satisfaction data has been used to continuously improve the RTO’s services (if applicable)

2.Email the report to tac@dtwd.wa.gov.au.

If the RTO had no enrolments or completions for the reporting period, you must still submit a report to TAC via email (tac@dtwd.wa.gov.au) advising of this situation.

For further information, please refer to the TAC Website or in the TAC Fact Sheet: RTO Reporting Requirements.

Catch up now on TAC’s latest podcast

TAC's Podcasts can be listened to on most podcast apps, YouTube or on the TAC Website.

TAC Talks Ep 20 - Amplifying Excellence in WA VET Through Award Winner Stories – Anthony Nelson-Burns

This episode features Anthony Nelson-Burns, a remarkable individual who triumphed as the WA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year and reached the finals of the National Training Awards in 2023. Anthony overcame challenges and personal setbacks to achieve success in the engineering field, even finishing his apprenticeship early. Now, Anthony champions VET for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, advocating for culturally sensitive approaches that reduce barriers and create a welcoming learning environment for all.

Other important updates


National Student Outcomes Survey

Each year, NCVER’s National Student Outcomes Survey is sent to students who completed a VET qualification, course or subject in the previous calendar year. The survey is used to collect important information about VET students’ satisfaction with their training, their employment outcomes and if they have gone on to further study. Students who completed training in 2023 will have started receiving invitations to complete the survey.

To help improve the quality of the data, NCVER are asking RTOs for help in promoting the survey to their current and former students. An RTO promotional kit is available from Student Outcomes Survey promotional kit (ncver.edu.au)


Modernising the National Training Register

The Commonwealth Government’s Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) is leading the National Training Register (NTR) Modernisation Project. This initiative aims to develop a contemporary, user-centric, and transparent technological foundation that aligns with the Skills Reform agenda.

The projects key areas include:

  • Enhanced Training.gov.au (TGA): Scheduled for launch in late 2024, this upgraded platform will provide a more user-friendly experience for navigating VET qualifications and training providers.
  • Modernised Webservices (release in 2025): This update will improve data exchange and accessibility within the VET system, facilitating smoother operations.
  • Training Product Central (TPC): Replacing the current Training Package Content Management System (TPCMS), the TPC is a new authoring system scheduled for launch in early 2025 to support Jobs and SkillsCouncils in developing and revising training products.

More information is available on the National Training Register Enhancement Project website.


WorldSkills Australia 

The 2024 WorldSkills Australia Global Skills Challenge has now concluded, with a strong showing by Australia's Skillaroos. They claimed seven gold medals and secured second place in the overall medal tally. A total of 30 skills across all WorldSkills categories were assessed during the three-day event in Melbourne, which saw 138 competitors from 17 countries participate.


Consultation: Digital Labour Platform Deactivation Code and Road Transport Industry Termination Code

The Commonwealth Government’s Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) is consulting on the proposed content of the Digital Labour Platform Deactivation Code and the Road Transport Industry Termination Code.

More information is available on DEWRs website with submissions close at 11pm AEST on Thursday 27 June 2024.


Jobs and Skills Australia

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) has released the following:



Latest NCVER Reports

NCVER has released the following new reports:  

TAC Update - Issue 95 - June 2024 (PDF)


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