Wise up and rise up against the mistreatment and abuse of older Western Australians

News story
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is commemorated on 15 June each year.
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A banner featuring elderly people and the words Wise Up Rise Up against elder abuse World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 15 June 2024

This year’s tagline is ‘Wise Up, Rise Up against Elder Abuse’ which focuses on how everyone in the community can both Wise up (by finding out more about elder abuse, recognising the signs and where to access support) and Rise up by taking action individually and in communities to stop Elder Abuse from happening and to support older Western Australians.

Elder abuse can be physical, financial, emotional, social, sexual or neglect and can be carried out by a person in a position of trust such as an adult child, partner, neighbour, carer, or someone who lives in your home.

Bev’s story

Bev has recently downsized into a small unit that her son arranged for her after he sold her family home. Bev was happy where she was, but her son said that the house and garden were too big for her after her husband passed.

Since moving, her son has told he will take care of everything and that she shouldn’t contact her other children.

Bev’s son is also withholding Betty’s mail from her, has given her a new mobile phone. He is making it hard for her other children to visit and Bev misses talking to them. Bev’s son is pressuring her into appointing him under an enduring power of attorney and enduring power of guardianship.

If you or someone you know is experiencing elder abuse you can contact the WA Elder Abuse Helpline and Information Service on 1300 724 679.  All calls are confidential and may include referral to a specialised elder abuse support service.

The State Government, through Communities, funds several organisations to provide elder abuse support services including Council on the Ageing WA, Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre, Advocare and Legal Aid WA.