Online Duties FAQs: Transferring transactions

How to use Online Duties to transfer a transaction to RevenueWA.

Only use the Transfer to OSR function if

  • the transaction has been entered into online duties but is not eligible for self-assessment.  See the Online Duties Transaction Guidelines for a list of transactions that can and can't be self-assessed
  • the transaction is being settled by a different agent and you want the transaction to be transferred to that other agent
  • you want to request a valuation review or a remission of penalty tax before settling the transaction.  This will remove the option to settle the transaction through e-conveyancing.  To use e-conveyancing for settlement, you must pay the return that includes the full amount outstanding for the transaction then request a refund.   

Using 'Transfer to OSR' will transfer a transaction from online duties to the duties lodgments portal for us to assess. You will be prompted to upload relevant documents to complete the process. Once you have transferred  a transaction, you won't be able to use e-conveyancing for it.

Retain original transaction records for your records.

Transferred transactions will be prioritised for assessment. Contact us if you require an urgent assessment.

For more information, see

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