Code of practice for inspectors – Electricity

The Code of practice for inspectors aims to assist people designated or applying to be designated as an Inspector – Electricity in Western Australia.
Last updated:

Code of practice

The Code of Practice provides information on the categories of designation, the power and limitations of an inspector (electricity) under the Energy Coordination Act 1994, and the standard of conduct that an inspector (electricity) is expected to maintain when carrying out their duties.

The Code of practice is subject to period review.  Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.

All enquiries or comments in relation to the content of the code or concerns about compliance with the code should be directed to:

Director Electricity Compliance
Building and Energy
Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
Locked Bag 100
East Perth WA 6892

Telephone: (08) 6251 1900
Facsimile: (08) 6251 1901

Designation of inspectors (electricity) in Western Australia – Application and renewal

Building and Energy developed a document detailing the application and renewal processes for the designation of inspectors (electricity) in Western Australia.

It also sets out the necessary competencies and qualifications for individuals seeking designation.

These processes apply to all applicants seeking a new designation or renewal of designation as an inspector (electricity) in Western Australia

Procedure for appealing against an Inspector's Order issued by an inspector (electricity)

Building and Energy developed a document detailing the steps recommended to appeal against an Inspector’s Order issued to you by an inspector (electricity).

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