Digital Strategy Roadmap 2023

What we’re delivering under the Digital Strategy.
Last updated:

Western Australian (WA) Government agencies are working together to deliver the vision and objectives of the Digital Strategy for the Western Australian Government 2021-2025: Convenient, Smart and Secure Services for all Western Australians.

The Digital Strategy Roadmap provides an overview of the transformation journey and key initiatives we pursue to deliver the Digital Strategy.

The first Digital Strategy Roadmap was published in the beginning of 2022. 

This second Roadmap demonstrates the WA Government’s progress since then. The large number of new initiatives in this Roadmap is a testament to the WA Government’s ongoing commitment to digital transformation as a key driver of reforms to deliver more convenient, smart and secure services for Western Australians.

The Digital Strategy Roadmap shows progress across the four strategic priorities of the Digital Strategy as well as a fifth priority, Supporting Digital Foundations, which is included to capture initiatives that improve government’s internal operations and future ability to progress the Digital Strategy’s four strategic priorities.