Local capability fund: Aboriginal business round

Helping local Aboriginal businesses enhance their capability, capacity and competitiveness when bidding for Government and private sector projects
Last updated:

This round is now closed. 


The Aboriginal Business Round provides funding support to Aboriginal Western Australian small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to enhance their business capability and capacity to supply to major Western Australian State or Local Government agencies, the Australian Government and the private sector.

The level of funding support under the Aboriginal Business Round is 50% of eligible costs (excluding GST) up to a maximum funding level of $50,000 per successful applicant.


Who is eligible

To be eligible for funding, applicants must:

  • Be an Aboriginal business (at least 50% owned by an Aboriginal interest);
  • Be registered with either the Aboriginal Business Directory Western Australia or the Supply Nation’s Indigenous Business Direct;
  • Be operating in a trade-exposed industry (or an industry that faces competition from other national or international SMEs);
  • Be registered for GST for at least 12 months prior to application submission date;
  • Have an Australian Business Number (ABN);
  • Be a for-profit organisation or business, or an incorporated not-for-profit Aboriginal Corporation operating as a commercial enterprise;
  • Have its principal place of business in Western Australia;
  • Have been operating for at least 12 months in Western Australia at the time of submitting an application for funding; and
  • Employ less than 200 people.

Previous recipients of funding through the LCF are eligible to apply, subject to conditions outlined in the funding guidelines.

How to apply

Eligible applicants must submit their application online via the SmartyGrants portal

A preview of the application form detailing the information required is available through the portal. 

Before applying, applicants must read and understand these guidelines and the Financial Assistance Agreement found on the portal.

Assessment process

Applications will be assessed by an independent evaluation panel following the round closing. Applications will be assessed against their eligibility as well as the objectives for that round, and will then be scored against the following evaluation criteria and weightings:

  • Relevance / need 40%
  • Expected outcomes / Level of impact 30%
  • Capability and capacity 10%
  • Value for money 10%
  • Financial viability and risk 10%

Tips to applying

  1. Double-Check Your Application: Have someone else review it to ensure clarity and completeness.
  2. Simplify Technical Details: Write in a way that anyone, not just industry experts, can understand. Imagine promoting the business via its website or social media.
  3. Allow Sufficient Time: Start early to gather quotes and relevant documents. (Applications without quotes or relevant documents will receive lower scores.)
  4. Be Concise: Provide sufficient detail without overwhelming assessors.
  5. Highlight Key Information: Include important details that will make your application stand out.
  6. Check Eligibility: Ensure the business and activities are eligible before investing time in the application. Contact the relevant team if you have eligibility questions.
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