Perth and Peel @ 3.5 million frameworks

Information regarding Perth and Peel @ 3.5 million and the sub-regional frameworks.
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The frameworks

The Perth and Peel @ 3.5million land use planning and infrastructure frameworks aim to accommodate 3.5 million people by 2050.

The frameworks define the urban form for the next 30 years, limit unsustainable urban sprawl and encourage greater housing diversity to meet changing community needs. They provide guidance and certainty to State Government agencies, local government and the development sector.

The frameworks determine where new homes and jobs will be located, make best use of existing and proposed infrastructure, and protect important environmental assets.

They set the groundwork for the development of vibrant new communities, particularly around key transport links, including METRONET station precincts and activity centres, within a compact and connected city.

They encourage significantly greater infill development with almost half of the required 800,000 new homes – 380,000 at a minimum - to be built through infill development. The majority of these – around 214,000 – will be built in existing suburbs within the Central sub-region and particularly through alignment with METRONET and the State Government’s Our Priorities: Sharing Prosperity initiative.

The frameworks are not static documents. They are monitored and reviewed to ensure they remain contemporary and responsive to Government priorities and community need. 

View the planning investigation areas

The Perth and Peel @ 3.5 Million frameworks won the Improving Planning Process and Practices award at the Planning Institute of Australia (WA) 2018 awards for planning excellence.

Logo of PIA Awards 2018
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