Trends in driver speed behaviours on Perth metropolitan road network from 2000 - 2018

Research and analysis
As residents in Perth, Western Australia know, much has changed in the metropolitan area over the past 18 years. The data provided in this survey also reveals significant change in driver behaviour in Perth since the year 2000.
Last updated:

It’s pleasing that the results show a positive trend in speed limit compliance of drivers, particularly in recent years, with almost 70% of drivers and riders obeying marked speeds in the metropolitan area in 2018. 

The survey reveals that Perth drivers are more likely to exceed speed limits at times when traffic is quiet. The data in this survey drills down to the exact times, days and roads when this occurs. Even though more of us now adhere to the speed limit, we need an even greater level of compliance and a fundamental shift in the community’s understanding of speed limits to achieve bold road safety targets. 

As there is clear evidence to show that higher speeds increase the risk of crashes causing death and serious injuries, I commend this report.

Iain Cameron
Chairman, Road Safety Council 
