Smith Street Build-to-Rent Project

An innovative project to deliver new social and affordable housing in partnership with WA’s community housing sector.
Last updated:

The Department of Communities (Communities) is seeking to redevelop the former Stirling Towers public housing site at Lot 501 Smith Street, Highgate.

Through an Expression of Interest and a Request for Detailed Proposal process, Communities has engaged a consortium comprised of Community Housing Ltd and Tetris Capital as the successful proponents to undertake stage one of the Smith Street Build-to-Rent Project: demolition of the former public housing and preparation of the site for development.

This project is a key component of the WA Government’s Housing Diversity Pipeline of sites identified to deliver social housing stock in the short to medium term.

Project update

In March 2024, an application to demolish the site’s former Stirling Towers public housing was lodged with the Department of Communities in accordance with Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) Delegation Instrument DEL 2022/04 Powers of Officers (Housing Authority). The WAPC has delegated its approval power to the Housing Authority (operating within the Department of Communities), subject to a number of conditions that will be addressed in the demolition development application.

After consideration of the City of Vincent’s recommendations and comments from the local community following an advertising period, the Department of Communities (Communities) has now approved the development application for demolition of the buildings under delegated authority as a public work.

Communities has recently appointed Brajkovich Demolition & Salvage (WA) being a suitably qualified contractor to undertake site readiness works, including demolition. All works on the site will be completed in accordance with the demolition development approval and permit conditions.

Surrounding residents will be kept updated on the demolition timeframes and works as the project progresses. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) will be published here shortly to assist with keeping local residents informed.

The Tetris/Community Housing Limited (CHL) Consortium have lodged a development application (DA) with the City of Vincent for the construction of new dwellings on the site. Prior to lodgement, the DA was reviewed by the Government Architect of Western Australia and the City of Vincent with feedback provided and included in the design. The City of Vincent will advertise the application for public comment with the application determined by Western Australia Planning Commission, following assessment by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage as a public work. It is anticipated the DA decision will be announced in late 2024.

The DA for construction of new dwellings at Nos. 49-67 Smith Street, Highgate is currently being advertised on City of Vincent's website

More information

Updates will be made available on this page as the project progresses.

If you have any further queries about the project, or would like to report any maintenance issues at the site, please email

Media statements

Demolition contract awarded for Stirling Towers (3 July 2024)

Proponents contracted for stage one demolition of Perth's first social and affordable Build-to-Rent project at former Stirling Towers (16 December 2023)

Respondents shortlisted for WA’s first ground lease build-to-rent development (12 August 2022)

Pilot Build-to-Rent development proposal for Stirling Towers (18 February 2022)

See also

Housing main page