Aboriginal Mediation Service

Assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to resolve conflict.
Last updated:
Healing Meeting Place

'This story is about 2 different skin groups. They fought and thought the others was inferior. After many years of fighting, creating division between them an Elder from each group sat down and talked. They had seen how destructive rumours and lack of knowledge of different peoples was creating war between them. They spoke and exchanged different ideas. Through their mediation they found that they were very similar and all had valued opinions, ideas and beliefs. They became one tribe.' - Artist Statement

This artwork was created by a Prisoner at Acacia Prison for the Aboriginal Mediation Service.

About the Aboriginal Mediation Service

The Aboriginal Mediation Service is a free service that aims to assist and work alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, groups, and communities in a culturally safe manner to resolve conflicts before they escalate to court action.

The Service was established in the early 1990s as a response to the Royal Commission Inquiry into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (1987-1991).

The AMS can assist with conflicts such as family, burial, community, neighbour, disputes between co-workers, and issues involving agencies and government services.

Only one party in the dispute needs to be Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander for the Aboriginal Mediation Service to assist.

Assistance and Support

Lodge a Online Confidential Referral Form, email or call us and a Case Manager will follow up to assist you.

Information on the Aboriginal Mediation Service

Aboriginal Mediation Service – Fact sheet (PDF, 325KB)
About Mediation - Fact sheet (PDF, 281KB)

The Role of a Case Manager

Helping to resolve conflicts and disputes in a culturally sensitive manner, Annie from our Aboriginal Mediation Service has found giving people a voice goes a long way to finding common ground.

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