The Department of Justice administers this grants program on behalf of the Attorney General, drawing on funds collected under the Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000.
The Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 provides for the confiscation in certain circumstances of property acquired as a result of criminal activity or used for criminal activity. The Act also makes provision for the re-distribution of confiscated funds and proceeds of the sale of other confiscated property for a number of purposes as listed above.
About the Criminal Property Confiscation Grants Program (CPCGP)
The CPCGP provides funds of up to $200,000 to eligible organisations for projects that aim to address the impact and damage caused by criminal activities.
The Program is a competitive and matched funding program. The amount of funding you apply for must be matched by either:
- a contribution from your organisation
- funding from other government agencies
- corporate donations
- in-kind goods or services, cash or a combination of these (Please note - The in-kind goods or services component cannot be more than 50 per cent of the matched contribution).
Projects can only be funded if they align with CPCGP objectives and successfully meet the assessment criteria as outlined in the Program Guidelines (PDF, 293KB).
Projects must be implemented in Western Australia for the benefit of the Western Australian community or address an issue in Western Australia.
Successful Projects from the July 2024 funding round
Show moreApplicant | Project | Service Area | Funding Approved ($ Excl. GST) |
Australian Childhood Foundation | Equestrian Youth Engagement Service Creating opportunities for at-risk young people to adjust their life trajectory and renavigate to positive community engagement and vocational pathways. By working with horses and practical training courses to move past habitual negative behaviours to improve mental health and emotional regulation, build trust, and develop key relationships and social skills. | Perth Metropolitan | 195,000.00 |
Bridging the Gap | GROW: Guiding Recovery, Opportunity, and Wellbeing The project will assist vulnerable women and children who have/are experiencing domestic violence through empowerment strategies and skill development. Through holistic programming, participants will develop a personal life plan, as well as group training for self-development. | Statewide | 98,470.00 |
Children’s Protection Society t/a Kids First Australia | Caring Dads North Western Perth This program will reduce the instances of neglect, control and violence through a 17-week group program creating lasting behavioural change. | Perth Metropolitan | 191,864.00 |
Citizens Advice Bureau WA Inc. | CIC Application Assistance Project The project will develop victim-centric resources and materials designed to limit the re-traumatisation of disadvantaged victims during the claims process, reducing errors and omissions, as well as providing self-care strategies for volunteers. | Statewide | 20,000.00 |
City of Canning | Urban Art and Graffiti Intervention Program This project will address incidences of vandalism and graffiti in the City of Canning by mitigating risks of repeat offences in high incident areas, along with Urban Art Sessions and delivery of 2 murals in hotspot locations. | Perth Metropolitan | 38,800.00 |
City of Melville | Better services for a safer Melville The project will deliver case management services, culturally sensitive activities, mentorships and a healthy-eating program to build participants’ health, wellbeing, and self-care strategies. | Perth Metropolitan | 200,000.00 |
Constable Care Foundation | City After Dark Tour – Fremantle The project will deliver safety walking tours of the Fremantle entertainment precinct. The tours will use experiential learning to teach participants how to identify risks and avoid dangerous situations on a night out. | Perth Metropolitan | 50,317.75 |
Fair Game Australia | Game On! Hubs Afterschool Program This afterschool program will offer healthy meal preparation opportunities and inclusive movement-based activities in the aim to break down barriers, develop skills, foster meaningful conversations, and establish trust and support as they build confidence. | Regional | 50,000.00 |
Gosnells Community Legal Centre Inc. | The Sanctuary Project The Sanctuary Project involves placing a Family Domestic Violence (FDV) Specialist Lawyer in refuges to create a streamlined and cohesive support system that addresses both the immediate and long-term needs of FDV survivors to improve legal and protective outcomes. | Perth Metropolitan | 99,472.00 |
Great Southern Community Legal Services | Court Based Family Safety Project This project will provide duty lawyer support and related legal services for families affected by violence at Courthouses by integrating existing wrap-around services to enhance safety. | Regional | 199,999.00 |
Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Services | Family and Domestic Violence Support The program will provide targeted intervention for victims of Family Domestic Violence crimes with exacerbating risk factors such as visa, housing, and financial issues. | Perth Metropolitan | 200,000.00 |
Palmerston Association | Short-term Residential Stabilisation (R-StOX) This short-term residential stay program will enable clients to engage in a supported stabilisation period as preparation for detoxification. The method will particularly benefit clients for whom the absence of a residential component is a limiting factor to successful participation in community-based models. | Statewide | 199,886.00 |
Parkerville Children and Youth Care Inc. | FDV Advocate MIST Rockingham This project will provide therapeutic, trauma-informed interventions, psychoeducation and support to children and young people impacted by Family Domestic Violence, Child Sexual Abuse, and other adverse childhood experiences. | Perth Metropolitan | 183,501.00 |
Starick Services Inc. | Safe Pathways to Independence This program will provide clientele with Family Domestic Violence services, trauma-mentoring and volunteering opportunities in retail to improve communal support, gain financial independence and re-establish their lives. | Perth Metropolitan | 200,000.00 |
WA Council on Addictions | Aboriginal Outreach Treatment and Support This project will employ a dedicated Aboriginal worker to offer treatment and services that are culturally sensitive, aligning their unique technical and sociocultural skills to improve care, improve access and support cultural appropriateness. | Perth Metropolitan | 170,000.00 |
Wajarri Yamaji Aboriginal Inc. | Burringurrah Aboriginal Community Development Project A Project Officer will work directly with the Burringurrah Aboriginal Community to address and resolve priority issues, encouraging previous inhabitants to return to the community, improving their connection to Country. | Regional | 185,756.00 |
Wunan Foundation Inc. | Still on Track This re-engagement program will build attendance, punctuality, organisational skills, problem-solving, communication, and time management behaviours of disengaged youth through a variety of workshops, mentorship and care. | Regional | 199,576.00 |
Wyndham Youth Aboriginal Corporation | WYAC Young Adults At Risk Program This project will deliver diversionary, support and counselling activities to young Aboriginal men and women. Additional activities will focus around caring for animals to improve skills and daily routines. | Regional | 187,000.00 |