Prison Officer - Physical Readiness Test

A new test has been rolled out to assess the physical readiness of candidates signing up to be Prison Officers.
Last updated:

‘The Physical Readiness Test’ has been developed by WA Corrective Services in conjunction with leading experts in occupational fitness, to examine an applicant’s suitability for the day-to-day duties of the role.

This contemporary assessment has two parts. 

Phase One is timed and consists of seven components each to be performed three times. This phase tests baseline fitness, agility and mobility. Applicants have seven minutes to complete the circuit. 

Phase Two is untimed and focuses on dexterity, in particular grip and pinch strength.

The 'Physical Readiness Test' highlights the physicality required to maintain the security and smooth operation of a Prison and the safety of the individual, their colleagues and those in custody.

During the assessment, applicants are required to complete tasks including moving under and over obstacles and carrying and navigating an aqua training bag.

Physical Readiness Test - Applicants Guide (PDF ,1.12MB)