Cape Peron (including Mangles Bay) planning investigation area

The State Government has accepted recommendations from the Cape Peron Working Group to designate the vast majority of the peninsula as a Class A reserve.
Last updated:

Cape Peron was identified as a Planning Investigation Area (PIA) in 2018 after a proposal for a marina development at Mangles Bay was withdrawn by the Minister for Planning. PIAs are areas which require further detailed planning to establish an appropriate range of land uses and compatible activities.

Cape Peron is highly valued by the community as a coastal park in an urban setting, with significant environmental and heritage values. It is popular for a range of recreation activities and home to several clubs and community uses.

The study area comprises mostly State-owned land with complex tenure arrangements and is mostly reserved under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) for Parks and Recreation.


The Cape Peron Implementation Committee has been established as per recommendation 9. The Committee comprises representatives from the City of Rockingham and the departments of Planning, Lands and Heritage, Transport and Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

Working Group

A Working Group, comprising representatives of State Government agencies and the City of Rockingham and supported by a Community Reference Group was established to consider:

  • land tenure
  • tourism opportunities
  • tenure/lease management issues
  • recreation and community needs and impacts
  • environmental protection
  • Aboriginal and historic heritage
  • coastal setbacks
  • regional roads 
  • bushfire risk.

The Working Group comprised representatives from:

  • Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (including Working Group Chair)
  • City of Rockingham
  • Department of Transport  
  • Department of Water and Environmental Regulation 
  • Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions 

The Community Reference Group comprised representatives from:

  • Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (Chair)
  • Cape Peron Coastal Park Steering Committee 
  • Mangles Bay Fishing Club
  • Palm Beach Community Association
  • Rockingham Kwinana Chamber of Commerce
  • Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Community Advisory Committee
  • The Cruising Yacht Club
  • Tourism Rockingham
  • Point Peron Rehabilitation Committee

The Working Group’s deliberations were also informed by extensive community consultation including 853 responses to an online survey and 2,662 visits to an interactive map. Responses focused on:

  • protecting and enhancing environmental values, including designation of a Class A reserve
  • better public access with improved amenities and facilities
  • recognition of Aboriginal and historic heritage
  • providing greater certainty about land tenure and land uses.
map of Cape Peron (including Mangles Bay)

(Click the above image to view a larger version of the map).


The Cape Peron Working Group made nine recommendations that have been accepted by the State Government. See the above brochure for more detailed information.

The recommendations are:

1. Class A Reserve

Cape Peron will be classified as one or more Class A reserves under the Land Administration Act 1997 in stages.

Stage 1 comprises most of the area currently classified as a Class C reserve and makes up around two-thirds of the entire site. Work to achieve this began in late 2021. 

Further work is required by State Government agencies on other identified sites and these will be considered for classification as Class A reserves under future stages.

Breakdown of Class A Reserve

2. MRS amendment

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage has prepared a proposal to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) to transfer land at Mangles Bay from the Port Installations reservation to:

Public Purposes – Commonwealth Government, and Parks and Recreation reservations.

The MRS amendment will allow for the continued use of the land for public foreshore access and leased recreation club purposes, while protecting the Commonwealth owned access point to the Garden Island Causeway.

View or comment on the proposed MRS amendment

3. Precincts

The Cape Peron Working Group identified three precincts:

Coastal Nature Park precinct
Mangles Bay precinct
Shoalwater Bay precinct

Working group precincts of Cape Peron

Coastal Nature Park precinct

This comprises the western end of the Cape, and the eastern area south of Point Peron Road and east of Memorial Avenue-Lease Road. These areas are largely undeveloped.

There will be no change to land use in these areas, thereby preserving and enhancing the existing cultural and environmental values, but with improved public access and facilities.

Mangles Bay precinct

This area comprises land north of Point Peron Road, and includes the following land uses:

  • Defence (Commonwealth) land used to access the Stirling Naval Base on Garden Island
  • wastewater treatment plant
  • public boat ramps
  • Rockingham Sea Rescue
  • Naval Club
  • Mangles Bay Fishing Club
  • The Cruising Yacht Club
  • Seaside Camp for Children (privately owned)
  • former RSL caravan park (currently vacant).

It is unlikely that any change will be made to the Commonwealth land, wastewater treatment plant, public boat ramp facilities, Rockingham Sea Rescue, Navy Club and the Seaside Camp for Children.

However, the future of the yachting and fishing clubs require further consideration, as they are located within a coastal erosion hotspot – refer to recommendation 6.

In addition, consideration could be given to the site of the former RSL caravan park on Point Peron Road as a caravan park again (but not for permanent residents), however this would be subject to an operator obtaining the necessary approvals.

Shoalwater Bay precinct

This area, southwest of Memorial Drive, includes four existing recreation camps (holiday homes leased by private groups), the RSL clubrooms, and former recreation camp sites, now vacant.

The former recreation camp sites present an opportunity for low-impact, short-stay accommodation, such as eco-tents, ‘glamping’ or cabins.

Further consideration is being given to this proposal as part of a policy on the future management of the remaining recreation camps to be prepared by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions – refer to recommendation 7.

4. Garden Island Highway

The alignment and design of Garden Island Highway (identified as an Other Regional Roads reservation in the MRS) to be appropriately considered, in consultation with the Department of Defence, and cognisant of the environmental values of Cape Peron and Lake Richmond.

5. Transport needs

The City of Rockingham, in consultation with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and the Department of Defence, is preparing a transport study that includes, but is not limited to:

  • the local road network within Cape Peron and external connections
  • improved pedestrian and cycle links
  • the need for additional parking at key destinations
  • potential impacts on the alignment of Point Peron Road.

6. The Cruising Yacht Club and Mangles Bay Fishing Club

The Department of Transport is undertaking further investigations to confirm the long-term location/s of The Cruising Yacht Club and the Mangles Bay Fishing Club at Cape Peron.

Considerations include:

  • coastal erosion issues identified in the City of Rockingham Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP) and State Planning Policy 2.6 Coastal Planning
  • potential impacts on the alignment of Point Peron Road
  • the potential for facilities to be shared by the clubs
  • opportunities for greater public use of the facilities
  • improving the visual appearance of the facilities
  • identifying appropriate locations for the clubs
  • reducing environmental and coastal erosion impacts.

7. Recreation camps

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions is preparing a policy for the long-term management of the remaining recreation camps, with options including their potential transition to short-term accommodation or publicly-accessible recreation areas.

8. Regional Park management

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions will consider the investigations and recommendations of the Cape Peron Working Group as part of any updated Recreation Masterplan for Cape Peron/Lake Richmond and any review of the Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Management Plan.

This will include potentially incorporating the land at Mangles Bay that is proposed to be transferred from the Port Installations reservation to the Parks and Recreation reservation under the MRS.

9. Governance

The State Government has established the Cape Peron Implementation Committee to oversee the implementation of the Working Group’s recommendations. The Committee comprises technical officers from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, City of Rockingham, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, and Department of Transport, which are the agencies responsible for implementing the recommendations.

Frequently asked questions

What is a Class A reserve and what protection does it give Cape Peron?

Under the Land Administration Act 1997, the Minister for Lands may classify a Crown reserve as a Class ‘A’ reserve, which provides the greatest degree of protection for areas of high conservation or high community value. All Crown reserves must be used for the specified reserve purpose, and in line with all statutory and planning requirements.  

Once  land is designated as a Class ‘A’ reserve, it may only be amended through State parliamentary process.

Why wasn't this option extended to all sites across Cape Peron?

The existing land tenure arrangements across the site are complex, with multiple land parcels held in various ownerships and used by numerous leaseholders.

Land comprising around two-thirds of the Cape has been identified for conversion from a Class C to a Class A reserve, as part of a staged transition.

Additional areas will be considered for a Class A reserve designation once there is more certainty about the remaining existing and future land uses for example, the recreation camps and other sites used by recreation groups.

What feedback resulted from the community consultation?

Western Australians had the opportunity to have their say about the future of Cape Peron through an online survey, which generated 853 responses and an interactive online map which recorded 2,662 visits and 428 comments.

The key themes of the feedback received focused on protecting the natural environment, with some support to improve recreation access and facilities. Concerns were raised about potential development and commercialisation of community land and potential environmental damage through increased access and use.   

Some of the recreation dwellings are privately leased - what happens to them?

The existing recreation camps are located on State land and have dwellings that have been used by private groups for many years. 

Nothing will change in the short-term; however the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions is preparing a policy for the long-term management of the recreation camps. 

This could include their transition for use by the wider community, potentially as low-impact, short-stay accommodation or as publicly-accessible recreation areas. 

What future tourism accommodation is being proposed?

Cape Peron is a significant State asset, and accommodation for tourists would provide an opportunity for regional visitors to enjoy the Cape. 

Given the environmental and scenic values of the Cape, only low-impact, short-stay, tourism accommodation should be contemplated. 

Locating accommodation in areas that are already cleared, including areas currently or previously used for accommodation, will protect the environment and help address bushfire management issues. For example, the site of the former RSL caravan park in the Mangles Bay Precinct could potentially be used as a caravan park again, but not for permanent accommodation. 

Proposals for new accommodation would be subject to operators obtaining the necessary approvals.

What happens next?

The State Government has established the Cape Peron Implementation Committee to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the Working Group’s recommendations. 

We thank all those who have committed their time and expertise to progress a resolution for the Cape Peron Planning Investigation Area, particularly representatives on the Working Group and the Community Reference Group. 


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