Rural planning policies, guidelines and fact sheets

Guidelines and fact sheets have been prepared to assist local governments and the planning industry in dealing with issues associated with planning for rural areas.
Last updated:

State Planning Policies

State Planning Policy 2.5: rural planning (SPP 2.5) is the basis for planning and decision-making for rural and rural living land across Western Australia.

Planning Development Control and Operational Policies

Development Control Policy 3.4: subdivision of rural land (DC 3.4) sets out the principles that will be used by the Western Australian Planning Commission in determining applications for the subdivision of rural land.

State Planning Guidelines

The Rural planning guidelines provide explanatory detail to assist the implementation of SPP 2.5 and DC 3.4 and explain the context of the policies.

Fact sheets

Basic Raw Materials

Basic raw materials are essential for the construction of buildings, roads and other infrastructure, and also for the sustainability of agricultural production.


This fact sheet outlines a range of land use planning considerations relevant to the establishment, expansion or modification of piggeries in Western Australia.

Poultry Farms

This fact sheet outlines a range of land use planning considerations relevant to the establishment, expansion or modification of poultry farms in Western Australia.

Rainfall calculator

Rainwater calculations for roof catchments.

The Department has developed a calculator as a method of assessing rainfall as an alternative water source for rural living proposals where reticulated water is not available.