Honours and Awards: Order of Australia - Premier's Message

A message from the Premier.
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Australian Honours and Awards recognise the exceptional services of our unsung heroes – those who don’t seek any thanks or recognition for their work. These citizens work tirelessly to improve our communities and make our country a better place. Honours are an outstanding way to appreciate their valuable impact and celebrate the positive difference they make.

It is known far and wide that Western Australians make stellar contributions to their communities, locally, nationally and overseas, and in all manner of fields and endeavours.

I strongly invite every Western Australian to put forward the name of someone who has made a significant impact on our community. Let us shine a light on someone deserving and inspire a brighter future for all.  

It’s important that those who enrich our lives are celebrated on a national stage. It is also imperative that our nominees reflect our diverse community including women, Aboriginal people, those from culturally diverse backgrounds and the quiet achievers.

While many nominations are made every year, I know there are more of you who deserve recognition. In WA, we often nominate fewer people than our share of the nation’s population – and in doing so, we fail to do ourselves justice. It’s up to each of us to change this.

If someone you know has made an exceptional contribution to your community, don’t let them go unnoticed. Nominate them for an award in the Australian honours system.


Roger Cook

Hon Roger Cook BA LLB MLA

Premier; Minister for State and Industry Development, Jobs and Trade; Public Sector Management; Federal-State Relations