What is Streamline WA?

Streamline WA is a whole-of-government initiative to continually improve regulation and regulatory practice.
Last updated:

What is effective regulation and why is it important? 

Effective regulation supports innovation, investments and protects our community and environment, but regulation that is ineffective can increase the costs and difficulties of doing business.
We want to improve the way we develop and apply regulation in WA, to ensure that:

  • Western Australians are confident that risks are well managed
  • regulatory requirements are clear and easy to understand
  • our decision-making addresses risks and focuses on outcomes
  • our decision-making is timely and transparent
  • we apply regulation consistently, and reduce overlap and duplication
  • we adopt a customer-focused approach to service delivery
  • Government information, applications and processes are available online for maximum efficiency.

Streamline WA reforms are focused across four key themes (and their objectives):

  • legislation and regulation (to improve and modernise parts of the legal framework);
  • people and culture (to strengthen cross-sector collaboration and assist cultural change);
  • resources and workload (to ease the administrative load on businesses and Government); and
  • systems and processes (to support digital transformation and online service delivery and improve proponent experience).