Community Education and Training

The Commission’s education team has a unique range of expertise and practical experience in the areas of education and training, law, human resources, organisational change, and community development.
Last updated:
Diana MacTiernan training

The Equal Opportunity Commission is in the position to observe at first hand the experiences of complainants, respondents and organisations.

We use this knowledge to keep our training programmes contemporary and relevant. We can deliver training at the organisations work site, at a venue of your choice, or at the Commission's fully equipped centrally located and easily accessible training facility.

Participants can be, but are not limited to:

  • Managers and Supervisors
  • Employees or Non - supervisory staff
  • Contact Officers
  • Grievance or Equity Officers
  • Equal Opportunity Committees
  • Human Resource or Employee Relations Consultants
  • Students

Participants who have attended our training have described sessions as practical, informative, thought provoking, challenging, interactive and engaging.

The minimum requirement for all courses is eight people; however the maximum size depends on the type of training and the venue.

These are the types of courses the Commission offers:

Customised courses

Organisations that examine their workplace culture and take positive steps to prevent discriminatory practises and behaviour have proven to be more competitive in retaining a skilled workforce and servicing a wider and more diverse clientele. We have delivered over 2,000 training sessions to over 38,000 people.

As well as offering a range of general training courses, we work in partnership with clients, understanding that your needs are unique. We are able to customise and/or develop training that is cost effective and focused to suit the requirements of your organisation.

Regional courses

Additional charges apply to cover costs associated with travel and accommodation. We will either seek reimbursement or ask you to pay charges direct to the travel or accommodation supplier. To discuss training outside the metropolitan region please contact us.

Social and community services sector

The Commission provides a range of training and information sessions for community organisations that provide advocacy and information services relating to equal opportunity.

These sessions can range from the role of the Equal Opportunity Commission, its functions, meanings of unlawful discrimination, how policies, procedures and practises may constitute discrimination, through to the processes of handling or responding to a complaint.

If your organisation is planning a conference, meeting or forum, or a broader community workshop we can arrange to participate and present any of our information sessions on the role and function of the Equal Opportunity Commission.

Standard courses

The Equal Opportunity Commission conducts a suite of standard courses which are provided on a regular basis throughout the year. They are available to the public and scheduled six-monthly in January and July.

Please see the list standard courses below for more information about the courses, pricing and how to register your attendance.

Upcoming courses

Contact Officer Role

What is being a Contact Officer all about?

The Contact Officer Role workshop is a full day course where you will:

  • Get introductory knowledge of equal opportunity laws;
  • Be given the skills and knowledge to act as a first point of contact in dealing with queries and complaints.

Duration: Full day (9.30am to 4:30pm)

Cost (incl GST): $414 p/p (morning tea and light lunch provided)

Dates: 23 October





Equity Grievance Officer Role

How to handle a complaint as an Equity Grievance Officer

The two-day Equity Grievance Officer Role workshop will:

  • Clarify what an Equity Grievance Officer does;
  • Discuss how to handle conflicts of interest;
  • Teach you interview skills with practice scenarios;
  • Help you develop mediation skills;
  • When you need to investigate and what that involves

Please note that this course does not cover full investigation skills as time does not permit.

Duration: Two days 

Cost (incl GST): $732 p/p (morning tea and light lunch provided)

Dates: 23-24 October





Contact Officer Refresher or Equity Grievance Officer Refresher

Would you like to refresh and improve your skills as a Contact Officer or Equity Grievance Officer?

Prerequisite: The role of Contact Officer or Equity Grievance Officer training.

The Contact Officer Refresher workshop is a full day course where you will:

  • Review your knowledge of equal opportunity laws and your responsibilities as a Contact Officer.
  • Improve your strategies for effective complaint handling.

The Equity Grievance Officer Refresher workshop is a full day course where you will:

  • Review your knowledge of the equal opportunity laws;
  • Revise your mediation skills in handling equity grievances.

Duration: Full day for either course (9.30am - 4.30pm)

Cost (incl GST): $414 p/p for either course (morning tea and light lunch provided)

Date: To attend a refresher workshop, please register your interest at  be scheduled according to the demand we receive on an as required basis.





Equal Opportunity Law in WA

An introduction to equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws, terminology and practices

The workshop provides participants with an overview of how and why these apply in the workplace and everyday life, whether it is at work or outside of work.  It aims to also help organisations and people avoid the costly risks associated with inadvertently breaching the law.

Participants will develop:

  • An understanding of Equal Opportunity law and its application;
  • Measures required to prevent unlawful discrimination;
  • How to identify how personal and organisational culture impacts equality and diversity.

Duration: 4 hours (9.30am to 1.30pm)

Cost (incl GST): $275 p/p (morning tea provided).

Dates:  20 September, 5 November





Sexual harassment - Recognition, Responsibility and Response

When does behaviour at work stop being professional?

The workshop has been developed to help organisations identify workplace sexual harassment according to the federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984 and Western Australia’s Equal Opportunity Act 1984 and to understand what acceptable workplace behavior is according to these laws.

Participants will learn: What sexual harassment is:

  • Where and how often sexual harassment occurs
  • Laws that cover sexual harassment
  • Impact of workplace culture on sexualized behavior
  • Strategies to help prevent the risk of sexual harassment.

Duration: 2 hours (9:30am to 11:30am)

Cost (incl GST): $135 p/p

Date:  2 October, 14 November





Workplace Culture - Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying

Each organisation has different structures, policies and needs, however there are some fundamentals to ensure there is a positive workplace culture and commitment to responsible leadership, management and personal behaviour.

This course aims to provide participants with:

  • An understanding of discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation
  • Workplace culture, responsibility, and liability
  • Tools to respond to, and work to prevent, harassment and bullying in the workplace

Duration: 4 hours

Cost$275 per person

Date: 29 October





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