Cleanaway Guildford Materials Recovery Facility

Cleanaway Guildford Materials Recovery Facility
Last updated:


Cleanaway Pty Ltd (Cleanaway) is licensed (l8993/2016/1) under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986  (EP Act) to undertake the following activities at their Guildford Materials Recovery Facility at 72 Hyne Road, South Guildford:

  • Category 61 (liquid waste facility): 300 tonnes per year
  • Category 61A (solid waste facility): 500,000 tonnes per year
  • Category 62 (solid waste depot): 500,000 tonnes per year.

The current licence is available here: current licence.

On 25 November 2019, the facility experienced a catastrophic fire event. The fire caused significant damage and waste management operations have been unable to recommence until demolition and reconstruction of the facility occurs. The closure of operations has had a significant effect on the flow of recyclable waste in Western Australia.

DWER’s Pollution Response Unit responded immediately to the fire and carried out air monitoring in residential and industrial areas downwind, providing information to Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) to assist in protecting the public health. DWER officers also required pump trucks to be engaged to suck firefighting run off water out of storm water drains and installed hay bales to filter the run-off to protect the Swan River. Despite the actions taken, some firefighting water entered the river. An action report on the response actions and sampling results is available upon request through

DWER has and continues to work with Cleanaway and other waste management companies to secure and implement alternative recycling arrangements. DWER understands that approximately 90 per cent of waste which would have been processed at the Guildford Facility is now being diverted to alternative processing premises.

To response to a growing number of fires at waste management facilities, DWER has developed and is implementing a Fire Pollution and Prevention Strategy. Further details can be found here.

What is Happening Now?

On 12 May 2020, Cleanaway submitted a licence amendment application to the department to seek approval for the demolition and reconstruction of the Facility. The Facility design is generally ‘like for like’ with the addition of further controls for fire prevention and management.

Cleanaway also applied for Development Approval under Local Planning Scheme No. 17. The Metro East Joint Development Assessment Panel determined to grant approval on 11 August 2020.

Following a comprehensive risk based assessment of Cleanaway’s licence amendment application, DWER granted a licence amendment approving the rebuild of the facility on 14 August 2020. In undertaking its assessment, DWER has considered the consequences arising from the November 2019 fire, improvements proposed by Cleanaway to reduce fire risk at the site, and advice from DFES. Conditions have been imposed on the licence to address fire risk and prevent the commencement of waste acceptance/waste operations at the site until all infrastructure has been verified by DWER to have been installed in line with licence conditions.

The amended licence and decision report are available here.

Following the granting of the amended licence, two appeals to the Environment Minister were lodged with the Appeals Convenor under section 102(3) of the EP Act. These appeals are being investigated by the Office of the Appeals Convenor. The Office of the Appeals Convenor can be contacted on (08) 6364 7990 for further information.

More Information

If you have any questions relating to the facility or licence amendment, email and quote 'L8993' in the subject line.


Updated January 2021

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