Climate Adaptation Strategy

A strategy to ensure Western Australia’s communities, environment and economy are resilient and continuously adapting to climate change in a forward-looking, fair and collaborative manner.
Last updated:

Western Australia is already experiencing the impacts of climate change, including more frequent and severe droughts, heatwaves, high-risk bushfire weather, extreme rainfall events and rising sea levels. These changes are affecting our communities, our infrastructure, our environment and water supplies, and all sectors of the state’s economy.

The Climate Adaptation Strategy builds on Climate Resilient WA: Directions for the state’s Climate Adaptation Strategy published in December 2022. The strategy ensures our communities, environment and economy are resilient to future climate change and sets out four directions to support and accelerate climate adaptation across the state:

  1. Produce and communicate credible climate information and resources.
  2. Build public sector climate capability and strengthen accountability.
  3. Enhance sector-wide and community partnerships to unite and coordinate action.
  4. Empower and support the climate resilience of Aboriginal people.

The strategy has been developed in consultation with Aboriginal people, local governments, business peak bodies, community organisations and researchers, reflecting their significant and unique perspectives.

The directions will be delivered through 37 actions, implemented by 13 State Government agencies.

To find out more about current projects and initiatives, refer to Climate change in WA and Adapting to climate change.