Australian Litter Measure
This litter count method, aims to provide a methodology to capture standardised litter data across all states of Australia.
The report summarises the findings of the Australian Litter Measure litter surveys completed across the Perth metropolitan area in May 2022.
Across 104,726 square metres surveyed, a total of 18,245 items of litter were counted, with a calculated volume of 1,145.65 litres.
Cigarette butts were found to be most common item by count, while paper and card food packaging was the highest category by volume. Industrial and Main Road WA sites contained the highest levels of litter observed, whilst beaches had the lowest.
Reports and links
Western Australia
- Australian Litter Measure - May 2022
- 2019-20 Western Australian results
- Minister for Environment's media statement - 19 October 2020
- 2018-19 Western Australian results
- Minister for Environment's media statement - 26 September 2019
- 2017-18 Western Australian results
- Minister for Environment's media statement - 26 October 2018
- 2016-17 Western Australian results