Take personal action to keep WA litter-free

There are many ways you can help keep Western Australia beautiful.
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Here are a few ideas

If you see litter when you are out walking, you can pick it up.

Remember to take your reusable bags when you are out shopping. Plastic is a common litter item and is dangerous to marine life.

Dispose of cigarette butts either in a bin, public butt bins or carry your own personal ashtray. Personal ashtrays are available from Keep Australia Beautiful. Order your free personal ashtray.

Pack a rubbish-free lunch with reusable plastic containers and water bottles rather than bags and drink boxes.

Take your rubbish home, especially when visiting parks and gardens.

Put a 'no junk mail' sign on your mailbox. Order your free sticker.

Secure your load when transporting any materials to ensure they don't fly off.

Report abandoned shopping trolleys. In Western Australia, Woolworths, Big W and Target are part of the Trolley Tracker scheme. When you report you go in the draw for a $1000 shopping card. Visit the Trolley Tracker website

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