Get help with your agency's procurement

If you are completing a high value or high risk procurement process on behalf of your agency, we can help you.
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For help with your strategic or complex procurement activities on major government projects, our government procurement Strategic Procurement Services (SPS) team offers procurement planning and project support activities with a focus on providing flexibility.

Depending on the complexity of the procurement, we may assign a procurement professional with extensive experience to your agency to help make the process as efficient and effective as possible.

Meeting the criteria

You must meet at least four of the seven criteria to be considered:

  • risk – the risk profile of the project is identified as high or extremely high
  • complexity – the project proposed is highly complex relative to the standard BAU procurement and may be made up of multiple procurements that impact one another
  • one off or unusual requirements – the project is an unusual business need for the agency or requiring an alternative procurement process (such as expressions of interest, requests for proposals or lower value Public Private Partnerships)
  • significance/public interest – the project is highly visible to the taxpayers, or is of high significance to the state, or politically sensitive for government
  • transformational (vs transactional) – the project will transform the agency’s business
  • timeframe – the project is extremely urgent or impacts other government initiatives
  • value – the project should have a minimum estimated contract value of $1-5 million. The total spend of your agency, agency size and internal expertise will also be considered in the context of this value

Requesting assistance

To request our assistance on your next project, please complete and submit the Agency request for strategic project procurement assistance form. We will review and assess your requirements then contact you to progress your application. 

Our experience

We have been engaged to provide procurement support services on a range of strategic projects, including:

  • sale of strategic/key government assets
  • review of agencies’ internal procurement function
  • provision of procurement process review (audit and independent assessment)
  • major Government ICT projects:
    • whole of government contract for infrastructure as a service
    • aligning and developing business models and contract models to enable as a service contracts in government agencies
  • development of complex arrangements for:
    • the management and operation of WA prisons
    • the provision of court security and custodial services
    • the construction and ongoing operation of hospitality facilities
    • major community services
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