Our online tool to evaluate and reduce nutrients exported from urban developments.
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Urban Nutrient Decision Outcomes (UNDO) is a conceptual decision support tool that evaluates nutrient reduction decisions for urban developments on the sandy Swan Coastal Plain in south-west Western Australia. It is designed for ease-of-use by urban development proponents and for assessment by local and state government authorities.

The online UNDO tool enables users to implement a range of structural or non-structural design options to evaluate and reduce nutrients exported from an urban development.

Urban developers and decision-making authorities can use the UNDO tool as part of their land use planning process to:

  • determine the nutrient impacts of an urban development in a consistent manner that is supported by local, national and international scientific literature
  • enter data and information about the development to assess its nutrient export in a logical and easy-to-use system
  • allow land development proponents to design and put forward various management practices that would reduce the nutrient impacts of the development (and adhere to targets if targets are outlined for the development area)
  • report and summarise the development design, the proposed nutrient management practices and the nutrient exports clearly and concisely
  • allow assessment by state and local government agencies in a consistent manner, and potentially streamline assessment of nutrient management measures.

You can read more in the UNDO brochure and user guide.

If you require technical support please call us on (08) 6364 7843 or email undo@dwer.wa.gov.au.

Access the UNDO tool

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