Hosting responsible parties

You could be held partly or fully responsible for something that happens to one of your guests at your party.
Last updated:

As a host, you have a duty-of-care for the safety and wellbeing of your guests. 

While you want them to have a good time you also want to minimise the potential for harm to people and property as a result of excessive alcohol consumption or gate crashers.

Register your party online

Alternatively, you can contact your local police station or call 131 444 in advance of your party or event. You can register online up to 28 days beforehand or as late as the day of the party/event.

The information you provide on the form will be kept in strict confidence and used only by police in the event police need to respond to an incident at your party.

Once registered, print the 'This party has been registered with the WA Police Force poster' (PDF, 262KB) and display it at the entrance to your party.

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