State Disability Strategy 2020-2030

A Western Australia for Everyone: State Disability Strategy 2020-2030.
Last updated:

In Western Australia, there are around 411,500 people with disability.

People with disability – just like everyone else – have abilities, aspirations and contributions to make to their local communities. Relationships with friends, family and loved ones, as well as opportunities to try new things and get out and about in the community, are all part of having a good life.

On 3 December 2020, the State Government launched a 10-year whole-of-community vision to protect, uphold and advance the rights of people with disability living in Western Australia.

A Western Australia for Everyone: State Disability Strategy 2020-2030 (the Strategy) sets the foundation for building a more inclusive Western Australia, empowering people with disability to participate meaningfully in all parts of society and to have the resources to do so.

The Strategy is our State’s commitment to promote transformative change including equitable opportunities and outcomes in all areas of life. The four Pillars of Change were developed by the Co-design Group and underpin the Strategy:

  • Participate and contribute
  • Inclusive communities
  • Living well
  • Rights and equity.

The Strategy is supported by an Action Plan which outlines specific actions that will be implemented to realise the objectives of the Strategy. It will be reviewed every two years to ensure the initiatives being undertaken are contemporary and responsive to the needs and priorities of people with disability.

Thank you to the Co-design Group, community members and other key stakeholders for their significant contributions to the Strategy.

Consultation Summary

The Strategy and Action Plan were informed by a comprehensive consultation process with many different groups, including people with disability, carers, disability support organisations, other organisations and a range of government departments. A detailed Consultation Summary is available by request via

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