Rural Intersection Active Warning System (RIAWS): A driving simulator study

Research and analysis
The aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the rural intersection active warning (RIAWS) system by comparing driving speeds through an intersection under varying signage scenarios.
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The aim of this research was to evaluate driver performance while navigating through a Rural Intersection Active Warning System (RIAWS) compared to a traditional signed intersection, without signs, using a laboratory-based driving simulator. The simulator was completed by 100 drivers aged between 18-80 years with a current WA C class licence.

Road safety benefit:
The research found that RIAWS “80km/h” sign provided the most effective option for reducing driver speeds on approach to rural intersections and recommended that these signs (and not the RIAWS “slow down” signs) are considered for implementation at suitable rural sites in WA.

The research also recommended that further research is undertaken to determine the most effective placement of the RIAWS “80km/h” signs and how they perform on curved WA roads.
