Foster carer stories - Barry, Anthea and Burditt

Foster carers play a vital role in changing the lives of vulnerable children and young people by providing support, nurturing, guidance, and love.
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Anthea and Burditt began fostering in 1997, when Barry came into their home as a three-year-old. Barry, while acknowledging his birth family, regards his foster carers as ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’, and honoured his deep connection by taking their surname when he turned 18.

Anthea and Burditt fully committed to supporting Barry’s connection to his family and his Asian cultural heritage, persisting in finding Barry’s siblings and forging ongoing relationships with his extended family.

Anthea and Burditt also supported Barry’s mother throughout her life and her mental illness. They again opened their home in 2011, to foster emergency and short-term babies, caring for 16 babies until they retired from fostering in 2021.

Anthea and Burditt are a wonderful team who are held in the highest regard for their reunification of babies and for giving babies affected in the womb by substance abuse the very best start in life.

Additionally, they reinforced the babies’ mothers to grow in confidence and skill, thereby aiding reunification and giving hope and practical support to ease the way. They believe that fostering has immensely enriched their lives and urge others to open their homes to children who need love and care.

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