Sexual Violence

Addressing sexual violence in Western Australia. Projects to prevent and respond to sexual violence in Western Australia.
Last updated:

Sexual violence has serious impacts on the wellbeing of victim-survivors. The Western Australian Government is running two projects to address sexual violence:

  1. Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Strategy (the Strategy)
  2. Improving experiences of victim-survivors: Review of criminal justice responses to sexual offending (the Review)

The Strategy will guide prevention, intervention, and service delivery in Western Australia. It will provide a framework for all government agencies to follow.

The Review will look at the whole criminal justice process from the time a person reports through to the time an offender is released from custody. It aims to find out what can be done to improve the experience for victim-survivors of sexual offending.


Public consultation for the Strategy and Review is now closed. If you would like more information please contact the project team at the Office of the Commissioner for Victims of Crime.


Office of the Commissioner for Victims of Crime
61 8 9264 9877
Strategy email:
Review email:


Reading about sexual violence can be upsetting, particularly for victim-survivors. If reading this web page is upsetting, please ask for support from a person you trust or contact one of the support services below:

  • 1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732
  • Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline (WA) 1800 007 339
  • Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline (WA) 1800 000 599
  • Crisis Care 1800 199 008
  • Lifeline Australia 13 11 14
  • Mensline Australia 1300 789 978.

Translating and Interpreting Service

If you are assisting someone who does not speak English, first call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50. They can connect you with the service of your choice and interpret for you.