School Based Traineeship Program

An entry level pathway to start the next generation’s career in the public sector.
School-based traineeship program banner

Applications for 2025-26 have closed. 

Our school based traineeship program is a fantastic opportunity for students heading into Year 11 in 2025 who are looking to start a great career.

A great program for students

Over 18 months trainees gain real experience working part time in a government agency, learning valuable workplace skills and being paid while finishing Years 11 and 12.


  • work 2 days a week (usually Thursday and Friday) in a public sector agency and this counts towards their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)
  • complete a nationally recognised Certificate II in Government
  • receive support from a workplace supervisor to develop workplace skills for future employment.

Home school students are not eligible for school based traineeships as they are not enrolled in a school and do not meet the achievement requirements of WACE through home education studies.

See information for students for more.

A great program for agencies too

Tap into new ideas and fresh talent by employing and supporting school based trainees. Employing young people helps agencies and the sector make progress towards employment targets for young people.

See information for agencies for more.

Want more?

The Department of Training and Workforce Development has information about school based traineeships including a guide for schools, registered training organisations, employers, students and parents. 


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