Apply for heritage sponsorship for a project or event

Applications now open.
Last updated:

How to apply

Applications for the 2024-25 Sponsorship Program are to be made through SmartyGrants

Submissions open Monday 1 July 2024. 

Applicants are encouraged to contact the Heritage Grants Team via or 6551 8002 to discuss the application prior to submitting. 

About the program

Heritage Council sponsorships deliver partnerships that will support heritage in Western Australia. Organisers of events or activities can apply for funding in return for assisting with the delivery of one or more of the Heritage Council's key strategic outcomes.

Who can apply?

Any organisation, not-for-profit, local government or commercial entity operating an event or activity that supports one or more of the required heritage outcomes may apply. Individuals cannot apply.

What kind of projects are supported?

Sponsored activities must meet one or more of the following outcomes:

  • demonstrate sustainability and economic benefits of heritage conservation and adaptation
  • deliver or contribute to training and education in heritage conservation management
  • develop understanding of the importance of heritage and its conservation
  • contribute to brand awareness for a nominated Heritage Council or a Department brand within relevant market sectors.
  • promote community understanding of, and engagement with, the State’s heritage places
  • promote and encourage heritage tourism
  • make other demonstrated contribution to the Heritage Council and Department's strategic objectives.

Activities will generally be open to the general public or to a broad group within a relevant profession or interest area. Content should include positive messages or information about heritage or a closely related area.

Preference will be given to activities and events whose primary purpose supports education and promotion relating to heritage and its components.

What isn’t supported?

Conservation works or the undertaking of conservation management plans are supported under the Heritage Council's heritage grants program and are not eligible for sponsorship.

Proposals that are strongly related to a specific commercial brand or product will not be supported unless the Heritage Council and Department are confident that sponsorship would not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation of that product.

Activities that take place within a heritage site but do not otherwise provide information or interpretation of the site will not be supported.

If you would like more information about the Heritage Sponsorship Program, contact the Heritage Grants Administrator on 6551 8002 or email.