Apply for a security licence

There are two types of licence categories available if you wish to provide security services in Western Australia: ‘Agent’ and ‘Non-Agent’.
Last updated:

Private security activities within Western Australia are governed by the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996 and the Security and Related Activities (Control) Regulations 1997.

Licensing Services (Security) regulates and manages the security industry and is responsible for:

  • issuing security licences and registrations
  • renewal of security licences and registrations
  • monitoring of security licences and registration holders.

Licensing Services (Security) aim to provide the community of Western Australia with confidence in a professional security industry where competency (training), integrity and accountability are provided and maintained at a high standard.

Agent licences authorise you to advertise and supply security services, while non-agent licences authorise you to perform these services. The licences are categorised by:


  1. Security
  2. Crowd Control
  3. Inquiry.


  1. Security Officer
  2. Security Monitoring Officer
  3. Security Bodyguard
  4. Crowd Controller
  5. Security Consultant
  6. Security Installer
  7. Investigator.

Application forms

In order to apply for a licence under the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996, your application must contain the correct supporting documentation. 

Click on and complete the relevant form that best relates to your requirements. You can view the licence information section if you are unsure about which form to complete or for information on requirements:

Licence application fees (PDF, 74KB) must accompany your application and can be made by cash (in person only), EFTPOS or credit card. You can also pay by cheque or money order, payable to the Commissioner of Police. 

New applications, mutual recognition applications and re-applying for expired licences can only be lodged between 9am-12pm.

Processing time is approximately six weeks for new applications and five weeks for renewals and endorsements. 

Allow up to 30 working days from the date of lodgement before requesting a progress update.

Read security licensing updates

Types of licences


You must hold the appropriate agent licence if you intend to advertise or in any way hold out that you are willing to supply the services of the licence holders outlined in the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996 (the Act).

Holders of agent licences are not permitted to perform the duties of the non-agent licence types. They are only permitted to advertise the services of non-agent type licences and employ those licence holders. Additionally, agents have particular obligations placed on them by the Act to maintain records and communicate information to the Commissioner of Police.

An agent licence cannot be transferred and is only valid for the business it was originally applied for on behalf of. If a business wishes to change the holder of an agents licence a full new application must be submitted.

If you are self-employed or subcontracting you must hold your own agent's licence.

Security Agent

This licence authorises you to advertise and supply the services of security officers, security bodyguards, security consultants or security installers. It does not authorise you to work as a security officer, security bodyguard, security consultant or security installer.

Crowd Control Agent

This licence authorises you to advertise and supply the services of crowd controllers. It does not authorise you to work as a crowd controller.

Inquiry Agent

This licence authorises you to advertise and supply the services of investigators. It does not authorise you to work as an investigator.


You must hold the appropriate licence to perform the services defined by the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act:

Security Officer

This licence authorises you to watch, guard and protect property. Holders of this type of licence are sometimes known as 'security guards.'

Security officers may be approved to carry firearms or batons only in certain situations. Security officers may not carry any other weapon at any time. Without a specific licence endorsement, no weapons are to be carried by a security officer while he/she is performing licenced activities.

Security Monitoring

This authorises you to watch and protect property whilst monitoring security alarms or closed circuit television as an employee of a licenced security agent. You are not authorised to engage in static or mobile patrols unless you also hold a Security Officer's licence.

No training is required to obtain this licence.

Security Bodyguard

This licence authorises the person to escort another person as a guard or protector for remuneration. (Section 14A of the Act).

Crowd Controller

This licence authorises you to monitor or control the behaviour of persons, screen persons for entry or remove people for behavioural reasons. This licence is required for licenced premises, places of entertainment and public or private events or functions.

Holders of this type of licence are sometimes known as 'bouncers' or 'doormen'.

A crowd controller is not permitted to carry any weapon on their person while they are performing crowd control activities. This prevents a crowd controller from carrying, possessing or using batons or 'pepper sprays'.

Security Consultant

This licence authorises you to investigate and advise on matters relating to the watching, guarding and protection of property as well as going from place to place seeking out persons who may be prepared to enter into contracts for the supply of security equipment or services.

Under Regulations 26, security consultants are divided into 4 classes:

  • Class 1: Consult in safes, vaults and locks of a kind prescribed in Regulation 6
  • Class 2: Consult in security alarms, closed circuit television for security purposes, equipment and devices prescribed in Regulation 8
  • Class 3: Consult in security doors as prescribed in Regulation 7
  • Class 4: Consult in matters relating to watching, guarding or protecting of property.

Security Installer

This licence authorises you to install, maintain and repair security equipment controlled by the Act. This licence does not apply to installers of security equipment in vehicles, vessels or aircraft.

Under Regulations 27, security installers are divided into 4 classes:

  • Class 1: Install, maintain and repair safes, vaults and locks of a kind prescribed in Regulation 6
  • Class 2: Install, maintain and repair security alarms, closed circuit television for security purposes, equipment and devices prescribed in Regulation 8
  • Class 3: Install, maintain and repair security doors as prescribed in Regulation 7
  • Class 4: Install locks of a kind referred to in Regulation 6.


Investigate the conduct of individuals or corporations or the character of individuals, perform surveillance work or investigate missing people. Holders of this licence are sometimes known as 'private investigators' or 'private eyes'.

Licence information

Code of conduct

The code of conduct, implemented under Regulation 54A(5) of the Security and Related Activities (Control) Regulations and any breach is actionable under 67(1a)(d) of the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996.

All new security applicants are required to endorse a copy of the code of conduct acknowledging the content.

Existing licence holders will be required to endorse a copy of the code of conduct at the time of their renewal.

A copy of the signed document is to be retained at Licensing Services (Security). No faxes will be accepted. Alternatively, you can email to a scanned signed copy.

View the code of conduct (PDF, 325KB)

Baton and firearm endorsements

Security officers may be approved to carry firearms or batons only when endorsed to do so.

Without a specific licence endorsement, no weapons are to be carried by a security officer while he or she is performing licensed activities.

Security officers may not carry any other weapon at any other time.

Endorsement/Permit applications

Section 24 firearm endorsement

Section 24 of the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act provides for a security officer's licence to be endorsed for carriage of a firearm while escorting money or articles of value, or for standing guard at an automatic teller machine while it is malfunctioning or is being repaired or serviced.

To apply for an endorsement:

  1. Before making a licence application, you must complete and obtain a training certificate with an approved registered training organisation.
  2. Complete firearm training with an approved registered training organisation and obtain a Firearm Training Endorsement Certificate.
  3. Obtain a Letter of Intent from a security agent who holds a Corporate Firearm Licence, stating that you are required to carry a firearm as part of your security officer duties. Letter of intent must stipulate the agent's name and licence number, corporate firearm licence number and type of firearm to be carried (i.e. revolver or semi-automatic). If you work for more than one security agent, you need a letter of intent from each agent for whom you wish to be endorsed to carry a firearm. Attached to the letter of intent, must be the nominated persons authorisation form issued by Firearms Licensing, approving you to have access to a firearm under their Corporate Firearm Licence.
  4. Obtain a medical certificate from a medical practitioner that states:
    • that in the opinion of the medical practitioner, the person is physically and psychologically fit to be in possession of a firearm;
    • that the examination included the person's hearing and eyesight; and
    • a statement from the medical practitioner as to the period of time the medical practitioner has known the person.
  5. Complete the firearms and batons endorsement form - security officer licence (PDF, 754KB). Sign the form at Licensing Services (Security) or at the local police station for applicants residing outside 50km of the General Post Office in Perth.
  6. Take all the above documentation to Licensing Services (Security), 303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington or for country applicants, your local police station.
  7. You will need to provide a set of fingerprints if you have not previously done so.
  8. Pay the licence application fee (PDF, 74KB).

Licensing Services (Security) will conduct a criminal history check and your application will be considered by the Licensing Officer. If your application is successful, your licence will be endorsed permitting you to carry a firearm on behalf of the named Agent/s while carrying out authorised duties.

Adding another employer to your firearm endorsement

If you wish to extend your firearm endorsement to another security agent, you must provide a letter of intent from that agent stating that you are required to carry a firearm as part of your security officer duties.

Renewal of firearms endorsements

To maintain your endorsement to carry firearms, you must complete:

  • Complete firearms refresher training every 12 months. The training course in firearms discharge form (PDF, 188KB) will be completed by the approved registered training provider and you must forward it to Licensing Services (Security).
  • Provide Licensing Services (Security) with a medical certificate from a medical practitioner every 12 months. Note that the certificate is to include physical and psychological fitness to carry a firearm, inclusion of hearing and eyesight tests and a statement indicating the period of time the medical practitioner had known the applicant.

Section 25 firearm permit

Section 25 of the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act provides for the issue of a permit to a security officer authorising that officer to be in possession of a firearm for a specified period at a specified place while guarding or protecting articles of value other than during an escort.

Please note: Section 25 only applies to applications for endorsement to carry a firearm for a particular occasion.

To apply:

  1. Complete the Section 25 firearm permit application form (PDF, 331KB).
  2. Take your application, in person, to Licensing Services (Security), 303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington (or local police station for applicants residing outside 50km of the General Post Office in Perth).
  3. Pay the licence application fee (PDF, 74KB).

The licensing officer will consider the application and if approved, a Section 25 permit will be issued.

Please note:

  • The application should be made by a security agent.
  • The Section 25 Permit is issued to a particular security officer. It cannot be transferred to another officer. If there is a need to change the officer who will be conducting the duties, a new application must be made.
  • The security officer named must be already endorsed under Section 24 to carry a firearm for the agent making the application.

Please note: security agents seeking to make application for a Section 25 Permit pursuant to the Security and related Activities (Control) Act 1996, refer to below guidelines.

Section 25 firearm applications

Section 25 of the Security & Related Activities (Control) Act allows for the licensing officer to issue a permit for an armed security officer to conduct armed static guard duties. This is opposed to armed security officers conducting escorts in accordance with Section 24 of the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996.

The following guidelines are to be addressed by security agents/officers seeking a Section 25 Permit. This is to ensure that an appropriate risk assessment is conducted by the security agent/officer prior to the application being made and that this assessment is included in the application.

Please provide this detail to the licensing officer to consider at least ten (10) clear working days prior to the event / function commencing.

Risk assessment is to include:

  1. Security officer's details to which this application relates.
  2. Security agent supplying the security officers.
  3. Details of person/organisation being supplied the service.
  4. Address where service required. (Include scale map of the premises and access/route(s).
  5. Type of construction of building containing armed officer(s).
  6. Purpose of armed static security officers. (Be specific).
  7. Exact position and location of the armed security officer(s). (Include in scale map).
  8. Times and date(s) where armed security officers required.
  9. Means of obtaining and carrying money/articles of value into the premises. (Be specific regarding pickup strategy and where and how the items will be carried by the officer(s).
  10. Will members of the public or non-security personnel have access to the location? Yes / No and estimated number.
  11. What is the proximity of public and non-security personnel to armed security officers?
  12. How is the money/articles of value being secured?
  13. Approximate value of money/articles of value being guarded.
  14. Type of firearm for use by security officers. (Include make and serial number).
  15. Other security measures taken to supplement armed security officers.
  16. Circumstances that require security officers to be armed. (Be comprehensive).
  17. Why the activity is not suitable for an unarmed security officer.
  18. Security strategies in the event of an armed challenge/robbery attempt. (Be comprehensive).
  19. Any other comments or submissions for consideration by the licensing officer.

Section 26 baton endorsement

Section 26 of the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act provides for a security officer's licence to be endorsed to permit the carriage of a baton while engaged in activities authorised by the licence.

To apply:

  1. Complete Baton Training (Control Person Using Baton) with an approved registered training provider and obtain a Baton Certificate.
  2. Obtain a letter of intent from a security agent stating that you are required to carry a baton as part of your security officer duties, whether it is an extendable of or a rigid baton, the serial number of the baton, the storage location and the name of the owner of the baton. If you work for more than one security agent, you need a Letter of Intent from each agent for whom you wish to be endorsed to carry a baton.
  3. Complete the firearms and batons endorsement form - security officer licence (PDF, 754KB). Sign the form at Licensing Services (Security) or at the local police station for applicants residing outside 50km of the General Post Office in Perth.
  4. Take all the above documentation to Licensing Services (Security), 303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington or for country applicants, your local police station.
  5. You will need to provide a set of fingerprints, if you have not previously done so.
  6. Pay the licence application fee (PDF, 74KB).

Licensing Services (Security) will conduct a criminal history check and your application will be considered by the licensing officer. If your application is successful, your licence will be endorsed permitting you to carry a baton on behalf of the named agent(s) while carrying out authorised duties.

Adding another employer to your baton endorsement

If you wish to extend your baton endorsement to another security agent, you must provide a letter of intent from that agent stating that you are required to carry a baton as part of your security officer duties.

Renewal of batons endorsement

To maintain your endorsement to carry a baton, you must complete baton refresher training every 12 months. The approved training provider will supply a Baton Certificate which you must forward to Licensing Services (Security).

Guarding duties with a dog condition

Security officers can have a condition placed on their licence allowing them to perform guarding duties with a dog. To obtain this condition you must have completed the below training modules with a Registered Training Organisation and obtain a letter from a licensed security agent confirming they wish to employ you to perform guarding duties with a dog. 

This information can be emailed to  for the condition to be added to your licence. No application form or fee is required to be

  • CPPSEC3112 Manage training and well-being of dogs for security functions.
  • CPPSEC3113 Handle dogs for security patrols.

Criminal convictions or findings of guilt/disqualifying offences

A "disqualifying offence" is a finding of guilt for a prescribed offence which prohibits a person from holding any security related licence for a defined period (prohibited person).

Disqualifying offences include (but are not limited to) offences involving:

  • assault or violence
  • theft or dishonesty
  • drugs
  • prohibited or controlled weapons.

Individuals with a criminal conviction (whether spent or not) or finding of guilt recorded against them since 1996 may be ineligible to work in the security industry in Western Australia.

Before enrolling in a security course with a registered training organisation, you may wish to contact Licensing Services (Security) to ascertain whether you are eligible to be issued with a licence to work in the security industry.

Change of address

Under Section 77 of the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996, where a licence holder changes his/her place of residence, the licence holder must give to the Commissioner written notice of the address of the new place of residence not later than 14 days after the change occurs. 

To notify the Commissioner, email with full name, date of birth, licence number, old address and new address.

Refund policy

There is no refund if your renewal or new application is refused, withdrawn or not proceeded with.

Payment of fees

Licensing Services (Security) accept cash, cheques, money orders, EFTPOS and credit card payments. Cheques and money orders are to be made payable to The Commissioner of Police.

Fingerprints and palm prints

In compliance with Section 48 of the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996, if a following person has not previously had his/her fingerprints and palm prints taken, or if such prints previously taken under this section have been destroyed at the person's election, he/she is to attend at a place and there, have his/her fingerprints and palm prints taken by a member of the police force or an officer of the department:

  • a person who has applied for a licence; or
  • a person who has applied for:
    • the renewal of a licence
    • a permit under Section 25 (firearm permit)
    • an endorsement under Section 24 or 26 (firearm and baton endorsement).

Refusal to provide fingerprints renders you ineligible to hold a licence in the security industry in Western Australia.

Processing time for applications/renewals

Processing time is approximately 6 weeks for new applications (30 working days) and 5 weeks (25 working days) for renewals and endorsements. 

All applicants must allow at least 30 working days from the date of lodgement before requesting a progress update.

Renewal of licences

A renewal notice will be sent out to licence holders 56 days prior to expiry date of the licence. Please advise Licensing Services (Security) of any change of address to ensure you receive your renewal form. It is however, the responsibility of the licence holder to ensure his/her licence is renewed. 

Applications for the renewal of a licence are to be made at Licensing Services (Security) no later than 28 days before the day on which the licence is due to expire.

To apply:

  1. Complete the renew a licence form (PDF, 624KB).
  2. You will need to provide the following supporting documents:
    • Four (4) passport size photographs (head and shoulders only on white background)
    • Current first aid certificate (Security Officer, Crowd Controller and Security Bodyguard only)
    • Current letter from accountant (agents only)
    • Code of conduct: If you have not previously endorsed the code of conduct, you are now required under Regulation 54A(5) of the Regulations to endorse a copy acknowledging the content and your understanding of the code of practice. (Refer to Code of Conduct).
    • Renewal fees
  3. Fingerprints: If you have not previously provided your fingerprints to Licensing Services (Security), you are now required under Section 48 of the Act to supply your fingerprints. Refusal to provide fingerprints renders you ineligible to hold a licence in the security industry in Western Australia. Please note a fee applies to have your fingerprints taken. Fingerprints can be taken at Licensing Services (Security), 303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington or for residents outside 50km of the General Post Office at Perth, at the nearest police station.
  4. Renewals can also be made via post unless you are required to have your fingerprints taken.
  5. If applying in person, take your application and supporting documents to Licensing Services (Security), 303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington or for applicants residing outside 50km of the General Post Office in Perth, your nearest police station.
  6. Pay the licence application fee (PDF, 74KB). Do not send cash through the post. Cheques should be made payable to The Commissioner of Police.

Temporary licences

A person who ordinarily resides in another state or territory may apply, in accordance with Section 46, for a temporary licence to carry out work in Western Australia in the following capacity:

  • Crowd Controller
  • Investigator
  • Security Bodyguard
  • Security Consultant
  • Security Officer
  • Security Installer
  • Agent (security, crowd controller, inquiry).

A temporary licence is for the holder of an equivalent current licence in another Australian jurisdiction and is only issued for a specific event or function.

A temporary licence is to be granted for such period of time of not more than one year as is specified in the licence and is not renewable.

Temporary licences requiring a baton or firearm endorsement must provide the documentation applicable for the endorsement being applied for listed in endorsement/permits applications section of this page.

Please note: temporary licences for Agent Licences

  • Holders of agent licences are not permitted to perform the duties of the other licence classes. Agent licence holders are only permitted to supply the services of holders of other licences.
  • Agents have obligations placed on them by the Act to maintain particular records and communicate information to the Commissioner of Police.
  • Letter from agent stating the purpose for requiring a temporary Agent Licence in WA.

To apply for a temporary licence:

  1. Complete the temporary licence - security activities form (PDF, 834KB) and if applicable, the firearms and batons endorsement form - security officer licence (PDF, 754KB).
  2. You will need to provide the following supporting documents:

    • Four (4) passport size photographs (head and shoulders only on white background)
    • Current state or territory's security licence and identification card
    • (firearm endorsement) If applicable, documents to support that the applicant has a current firearm endorsement and that their training is current
    • Proof of photographic identification (e.g. current Motor Drivers Licence or passport)
    • Letter of intent from the proposed Western Australian agent outlining they have offered employment to the applicant provided the licence is granted, the period for which the licence is required and the time and occasion of the specific event or function in respect to what the licence is required.
    • If an endorsement is required, the documentation for the endorsement being applied for listed in endorsement/permits applications section of this page.
    • code of conduct (PDF, 325KB) (signed and dated).

    All above forms are to be completed and witnessed by a Justice of the Peace or a police officer.

  3. Application for this type of licence and supporting documents can only be lodged and processed at Licensing Services (Security), 303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington.
  4. Pay the licence application fee (PDF, 74KB).

Mutual recognition based applications

Individuals who hold any of the following current licences in another Australian state/territory or New Zealand can apply for the equivalent licence in Western Australia under mutual recognition basis:

  • Crowd Controller
  • Investigator
  • Security Bodyguard
  • Security Consultant
  • Security Officer
  • Security Installer.

Please note: that probationary (provisional) licences and agent licences are not eligible for mutual recognition in Western Australia.

All applications submitted under mutual recognition basis must be lodged personally at Licensing Services (Security), Ground Floor, 303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington between 9am-12pm only, Monday to Friday.

To apply:

  1. Complete the LSS51 Application for a licence form and if applicable, the firearms and batons endorsement form - security officer licence (PDF, 754KB). Sign the LSS51 Application for a licence form at the Licensing Services (Security) front counter. The licensing support officer (LSO) will witness your signature.
  2. The LSO will provide, and you will have to complete and sign a statutory declaration form.
  3. The LSO will provide, and you will have to read and endorse a code of conduct document.
  4. You will need to advise the LSO the name of the registered training organisation where you had obtained your certificate.
  5. You will need to provide the following supporting documents:
    • four (4) passport size photographs (head and shoulders only on white background)
    • current state/territory or New Zealand security licence/s and identification card/s (original and copy).
    • current First Aid Certificate (Security Officer / Security Bodyguard / Crowd controller only)
    • proof of photographic identification (original and copy): birth certificate or passport (must not be expired for more than 2 years) AND drivers licence with photograph
    • New Zealand Police Clearance certificate from applications for mutual recognition of New Zealand security licences
  6. Additional supporting documents for firearm/baton endorsements:
    • You will need provide the documentation applicable for the endorsement being applied for listed in endorsement/permits applications section of this page
  7. Pay the licence application fee (PDF, 74KB).

An interim (3 month period) WA equivalent security licence/s will be issued on the same day of your application. Once your originating state/territory has confirmed the validity of your current licence, your full 1 or 3 year licence will be posted to you.

Please note: your interstate licence must be valid for at least 1 month from the date you submit your application at Licensing Services.

Proof of age and identity

To work as a security officer, security bodyguard, crowd controller or agent in Western Australia, you must be 18 years of age or older. All licence applications require the applicant to produce sufficient identification.

Section 47 (1)(a) of the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act states that an application for the issue of a licence is to consist of the original or a certified copy of:

  • two documents referred to in items 1 to 6 in Category 1; or
  • one document referred to in items 1 to 6 (Category 1) and two documents referred to in items 7 to 10 (Category 2).

Category 1

  1. A current motor driver's licence bearing the name, date of birth and photograph of the applicant that has been issued in Australia
  2. A current passport or a passport that has not been expired for more than 2 years, bearing the name, date of birth and photograph of the applicant
  3. A proof of age card bearing the name, date of birth and photograph of the applicant that has been issued under the Liquor Control Regulations 1989 regulation 18B
  4. An identification card (other than a card referred to in item 3) bearing the name, date of birth and photograph of the applicant that has been issued by an agency of the Commonwealth or a state or territory to provide evidence of the person's name and age
  5. A birth certificate bearing the name and date of birth of the applicant
  6. A diplomatic document bearing the name, date of birth and a photograph of the applicant that has been issued by a government agency to provide evidence of the person's legal entitlement to enter Australia.

Category 2

  1. A current licence (other than a motor driver's licence) or current permit bearing the name of the applicant that has been issued under a law of the Commonwealth or a state or territory
  2. A current identity card or licence (including motor driver's licence) bearing the name and date of birth of the applicant that has been issued by a government agency outside Australia
  3. An identification card bearing the name of the applicant that has been issued by an agency of the Commonwealth or a state or territory to provide evidence of the person's entitlement to a health benefit or pensioner concession
  4. An identification card bearing the name of the applicant that has been issued within the last 5 years by an Australian educational institution.

Character references

Section 47 (1)(c) states that an application for the issue of a licence, other than a temporary licence or a mutual recognition based licence application, is to be accompanied by testimonials as to the applicant's character from 2 different people.

References must be completed on the character suitability reference form (PDF, 541KB).

Please note:

  • character references cannot be from a current serving police officer or a family member by birth or marriage (includes defacto/partner)
  • the referee must personally know the applicant for the whole of the 5 year period before the date of the licence application
  • the reference are to be completed in the referees own handwriting
  • the reference cannot be dated more than 2 years from the date of the licence application
  • the reference needs to be about your character, not your work history. The referee must have knowledge of the applicant's character. In the character reference, the referee must explain how he/she knows the applicant, the nature of their relationship (eg but not limited to: personal, professional, family connections) and how that enables the referee to attest to the applicant's suitability to hold a private security licence in Western Australia. Bear in mind that electronic knowledge such as email and chat rooms on the internet is not sufficient knowledge
  • the referee is accountable for what is written. Contact details (address and phone numbers) must be supplied and the character reference dated and signed. You are likely to be contacted by police to verify your statements
  • without all original documentation, the application will not be accepted and processed.

Please note: If you sign a character reference, you may be called upon to stand by this statement in an Australian Court and you may be prosecuted if you provide any false or misleading information.

Applicants who were born overseas

If you have not been a resident of Australia for the last 5 years, or if you are an Australian resident and you have spent more than 12 consecutive months outside of Australia in the past 5 years prior to lodging your application, you must supply a National Police Certificate or its equivalent from your country of origin or the countries you have resided in to prove you have no criminal record.

Police Clearance Certificates are only accepted if it is dated after your arrival in Australia or no more than 3 months before your arrival in Australia.

Note that Police Clearance Certificates issued at a village or town or by the district superintendent are unacceptable as they do not cover the whole of the country. Police Clearance certificates issued through the high commissions, consulates or embassies will be accepted.

View Consulates in Perth

Pre-licence tests

Applicants for the following licence types must successfully pass a pre-licence test before submitting their licence application. 

These tests are completed at the Cannington Licensing Office for metropolitan applicants (with the exception of the Security Officer and Crowd Controller test which is completed at the security agents Institute of WA - see below) or the nearest police station for applicants who reside more than 50km from the Perth GPO.

  • Agent Licences (Security, Crowd Control, Inquiry).
  • Security Consultant Licence.
  • Security Installer Licence.
  • Security Officer and Crowd Controller Licence.

Agent licence

Applicants for the following agent licences must demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the obligations placed on them by the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996 and the Security and Related Activities (Control) Regulations 1997 by successfully completing a pre-licence test based upon the Act and Regulations.

There are three separate pre-licence tests depending on what services your business will be offering:

  1. Security Agent - offering the services of security officers, security monitoring officers, security bodyguards, security installers and security consultants
  2. Crowd Control Agent - offering the services of crowd controllers
  3. Inquiry Agent - offering the services of investigators
    These tests cover all aspects of the agent’s responsibilities under the Act and Regulations including records maintenance, licence conditions and required reporting, have 20 questions with multiple choice answers and are open book (you may access the Act and Regulations whilst completing the test). A pass mark of 90% is required. Please note: we do not provide copies of the Act or Regulations for use during the test.

Security Consultant Licence - Class 3 Security Doors

Applicants must complete a pre-licence test if they wish to, for remuneration, investigate or advise of matters relating to security doors. The test is based on AS5040 and has 30 questions with multiple choice answers. It is closed book and a pass mark of 80% is required.

Security Installer Licence - Class 3 Security Doors

Applicants must complete a pre-licence test if they wish to install, maintain and repair security doors. The test is based on AS5040 and has 30 questions with multiple choice answers. It is closed book and a pass mark of 80% is required.

Security Officer and Crowd Controller Licence

People applying must have completed a competency test prior to submitting their application for a licence. Please see the Security Agents Institute of WA website for details.


Training course qualifications for new applications:


CPP30619 Certificate III in Investigative Services training certificates.

Security Officer – Cash in Transit

CPP31318 Certificate III in Security Operations certificates.

Security Consultant Class 4

CPP41519 Certificate IV in Security Risk Analysis training certificates.

Security Bodyguard

CPP31418 Certificate III in Close Protection Operations certificates.

Security Officer and Crowd Controller

CPP20218 Certificate II in Security Operations certificates.

View the core and elective training units required for security licence classes (PDF, 236KB)

Applicants for the following licences must complete an approved training course with an approved training provider prior to lodging an application:

  • Security Officer
  • Security Officer - Cash in Transit
  • Security Officer - Guarding with a Dog
  • Security Bodyguard
  • Crowd Controller
  • Investigator
  • Security Installer and Consultant Class 2
  • Security Consultant Class 4 - advising on watching guarding and protections of property.

If the training provider is not listed as approved your training qualifications might not be accepted.

Technical Security Training Course - Training Providers

Class 2 Security Installer and Security Consultant


Phone number

North Metropolitan TAFE1300 300 822 or (08) 9207 4394
Ramsden Telecommunications Training
Trading name: Comtech Training
(08) 9355 5770
Aspire Education and Training(08) 9417 4113 or 0430 050 751

Technical Security Training Course – modules

The course undertaken must contain the following competencies as a minimum:

Stream one:

  • CPPSEC2021 Install security equipment and systems
  • CPPSEC2023 Install CCTV equipment and systems
  • CPPSEC2026 Perform routine maintenance on security equipment and system

If a unit is replaced in future, the equivalent unit will be recognised.


Stream two:

Stream two option (2) - training certificates that include the following competencies as a minimum:

  • UEECD0007 Apply occupational health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace
  • UEECD0019 Fabricate, assemble and dismantle utilities industry components
  • UEECD0020 Fix and secure electrotechnology equipment
  • UEECD0051 Use drawings, schedules, standards, codes and specifications
  • UEEEC0003 Assemble and set up basic security systems

If a unit is replaced in future, the equivalent unit will be recognised.

If you have any criminal convictions, you should contact Licensing Services (Security) on 1300 171 011 before enrolling in a security course, to ascertain if you are eligible to be issued with a licence to work within the security industry. 

View the core and elective training units required for security licence classes (PDF, 236KB)

Registered security training providers

Trading Name


Courses Delivered

Asset CollegeAsset Training Australia Pty Ltd.Cert II in Security Operations
Cert III in Security Operations (Armed Security Officers)
Cert III in Close Protection Operations
Security Firearms Training
Cert IV in Security Risk Analysis
Security Batons Training
Australian School of Security & InvestigationASSI International Pty Ltd.Cert III in Investigative Services
Core Security TrainingCore Security Group Pty Ltd.Cert II in Security Operations
Cert III in Security Operations (Armed Security Officers)
Cert III in Close Protection Operations
Security Batons Training
Cert III in Investigative Services
Cert IV in Security Risk Analysis
Security Firearms Training
Crown Training Pty LtdCrown Training Pty Ltd.Cert II in Security Operations
Integrated Training Pty LtdIntegrated Training Pty Ltd.Cert II in Security Operations
Security Batons Training
Paragon Corporate TrainingParagon Corp Training.Cert II in Security Operations
Cert III in Close Protection Operations
Cert III in Security Operations (Armed Security Officers)
Cert IV in Security Risk Analysis
Cert III in Investigative Services
Security Firearms Training
Stirling Global Stirling Global Pty Ltd.Cert III in Close Protection Operations
Security Batons Training
Strike TrainingStrike Training and Consulting.Cert II in Security Operations
Cert III in Close Protection Operations
Cert III in Security Operations 
Cert IV in Security & Risk Management 
Cert III in Investigative Services
Security Batons Training
Security Firearms Training

Technical Security Training Course - Training Providers

Licence application requirements

Agent Licences

People wanting to apply for an Agent’s licence must successfully complete an open book pre-licence test before submitting their application. The test is based on the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996 and the Security and Related Activities (Control) Regulations 1997. A copy of these can be obtained from the Western Australian Legislation website.

Once the pre-licence test has been successfully completed, the application can be submitted with the following additional documents:

  • Letter of authority
    • One director/partner must give permission for the applicant to hold the agent licence on behalf of the company/partnership (Sole Traders Exempt).
  • Accountants letter
    • For an existing business in the Security Industry, letter confirming the business you are applying to be an agent on behalf of is financially sound.
    • For a new business in the Security Industry, letter confirming the business plan of the business you are applying to be an agent on behalf of is financially viable.
  • Business documents
    • If sole trader or partnership
      • ASIC Record of Registration.
    • If business structure is a company
      • ASIC Record of Registration
      • Certificate of Incorporation
      • Company Extract.
    • Trust documents if applicable.

Non-Agent licences

Security Officer

Applicants applying for a Security Officer’s Licence must:

  1. Complete an approved training course with an approved training provider.
  2. Pass a written examination based on the content of their training course.
    For further details and to make test payment and bookings, please visit the SAIWA website.
  3. Submit their application with the following additional documents
    • Certificate II in Security Operations (must include modules)
    • Current First Aid Certificate.

Security Officer – Control Room/Monitoring Centre

An approved training course is no longer required for a Security Officer – Control Room/Monitoring Centre Licence. A licence is still required; however, applicants only need to submit the required documents mentioned above.

Security Bodyguard

Applicants must:

  1. Complete an approved training course with an approved training provider.
  2. Submit their application with the following additional documents
    • Certificate III in Close Protection Operations (must include modules)
    • Current Advanced First Aid Certificate.

Crowd Controller

Applicants must:

  1. Complete an approved training course with an approved training provider.
  2. Pass a written examination based on the content of their training course.
    For further details and to make test payment and bookings, please visit the SAIWA website.
  3. Submit their application with the following additional documents
    • Certificate II in Security Operations (must include modules)
    • Current First Aid Certificate.


Applicants must:

  1. Complete an approved training course with an approved training provider
  2. Submit their application with the following additional documents
    • Certificate III in Investigative Services.

Security Consultant

Applicants must first complete an appropriate training course or pre-licence test prior to submitting their application:

  • Class 1: Consult in safes, vaults and locks of a kind prescribed in Regulation 6. No pre-licence test or training course is required
  • Class 2: Consult in security alarms, CCTV for security purposes, equipment and devices prescribed in Regulation 8. Must have completed an approved training course in Technical Security
  • Class 3: Consult in security doors as prescribed in Regulation 7.A pre-licence test based on AS5040 must be completed with a minimum of 80% to pass the test. Applicants within 50km of the Perth GPO complete the test at the licensing office in Cannington. Applicants outside this area complete the test at their local police station
  • Class 4: Consult in matters relating to watching, guarding and protecting of property. Must have completed Certificate IV in Security Risk Analysis.

Security Installer

Applicants must first complete an appropriate training course or pre-licence test prior to submitting their application:

  • Class 1: Install, maintain or repair safes, vaults and locks of a kind prescribed in Regulation 6. Must be a trade qualified locksmith. Apprentices must provide proof of apprenticeship
  • Class 2: Install, maintain or repair security alarms, CCTV for security purposes, equipment and devices prescribed in Regulation 8. Must have completed an approved training course in Technical Security
  • Class 3: Install, maintain or repair security doors as prescribed in Regulation 7. A pre-licence test based on AS5040 must be completed with a minimum of 80% to pass the test. Applicants within 50km of the Perth GPO complete the test at the licensing office in Cannington. Applicants outside this area complete the test at their local police station
  • Class 4: Install locks of a kind prescribed in Regulation 6. No pre-licence test or training course is required.

List of current licence holders

The performance of security, crowd control and inquiry activities within Western Australia are governed by the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996 and the Security & Related Activities (Control) Regulations 1997.

Contact Police Licensing Services

For application fee queries or payments contact:

303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington WA 6107 
Open Monday–Friday, 9am–3pm (closed public holidays). Please note: new applications, mutual recognition applications and re-applying for expired licences can only be lodged between 9am-12pm.
Applicants more than 50km from the Perth General Post Office can submit at your local police station.

Telephone: 1300 171 011
Mail: Locked Bag 9 East Perth WA 6892

Complete the Licensing Services (Security) form for queries that have not been answered on this page.

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