Life and remainder interests: duty requirements

What you need to provide if your transaction involves life and remainder interests in property.

If a transaction involves life and remainder interests in property, provide:

  1. the transaction record (such as a transfer or agreement to transfer)
  2. a completed Foreign Transfer Duty Declaration Form
  3. completed Form FDA27 ‘Duties Valuation – City, Town and Suburban Property’ or Form FDA28 ‘Duties Valuation – Country Land’. These forms are not required if lodging electronically.
    You don’t need to provide a valuation form if you provide a valuation by a qualified valuer described in Commissioner’s Practice TAA 30 ‘Valuation of Land for Duties Purposes’.
  4. the date of birth and general health of the person receiving the life tenancy
  5. any other information that may assist us to assess the duty

An assessment of duty will not be issued until all required information is provided.

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