If you believe you have been underpaid wages or leave entitlements under state employment laws you can follow the steps to make an underpayment complaint to Private Sector Labour Relations industrial inspectors.
Private Sector Labour Relations may be able to assist employees in:
- the state industrial relations system with underpayments of:
- WA award pay rates and leave entitlements;
- minimum pay rates and leave entitlements under the Minimum Conditions of Employment Act;
- both the state and national industrial relations systems with underpayment of a long service leave entitlement under the WA Long Service Leave Act; and
- local government with underpayment of a long service leave entitlement under the Local Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2024.
National system employees who need help with underpayment of pay rates, leave (except long service leave) or other employment entitlements should contact the Fair Work Ombudsman.
To make a claim for pay rates above the award or minimum rates or other benefits under an employment contract, you may be able to make a Contractual Benefits Claim to the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission. The Commission can deal with contractual benefits claims for employees in both the state system and the national system.
Taking a claim to the Industrial Magistrates Court (PDF, 532.2KB) can assist you to independently make a claim to the Industrial Magistrates Court for unpaid entitlements under state employment laws, WA awards and state industrial agreements.
Make an anonymous report about wage theft
Employees or other interested people are also able to make an anonymous report of deliberate underpayment of wages or entitlements to the relevant government department.
The report wage theft form provides information to industrial inspectors but will not result in specific action being taken in relation to an individual’s underpayment claim.
To resolve an underpayment of wages or leave, follow the steps for making an underpayment complaint as outlined in the top right section of this page.
Reporting wage theft in Western Australia
Information on making a complaint is available in languages other than English
Show moreمعلومات باللغة العربية عن تقديم شكوى بشأن عدم دفع الأجور أو الشروط (PDF, 322.38KB)
关于对工资或条件支付不足进行投诉的中文信息(简体) (PDF, 945.95KB)
有关针对工资或条件支付不足提出投诉的中文(繁体)信息 (PDF, 955.86KB)
Informasi dalam bahasa Indonesia tentang pengaduan kurang bayar upah atau hak (PDF, 212.87KB)
賃金や権利の未払いに関する苦情に関する日本語の情報 (PDF, 533.56KB)
급여 또는 조건 미지급에 대한 불만 제기를 위한 한국어 안내 (PDF, 273.93KB)
اطلاعات فارسی در مورد شکایت در مورد کم پرداختی دستمزد یا استحقاق (PDF, 306.44KB)
ਉਜਰਤਾਂ ਜਾਂ ਹੱਕਾਂ ਦੀ ਘੱਟ ਅਦਾਇਗੀ ਬਾਰੇ ਸ਼ਿਕਾਇਤ ਕਰਨ ਬਾਰੇ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ (PDF, 468.82KB)
ข้อมูลภาษาไทยเกี่ยวกับการร้องเรียนการไม่จ่ายค่าจ้างหรือเงื่อนไขต่างๆ (PDF, 1.01MB)
If you require information in another language, you can use the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 to contact Wageline 1300 655 266.
The National Relay Service helps people who are deaf, hearing and/or speech-impaired contact Wageline. Call the National Relay Service on 13 36 77 and ask to call Wageline on 1300 655 266, or visit the National Relay Service website