Family and domestic violence helplines and support services

A list of support services and emergency contacts for those experiencing family and domestic violence.
Last updated:

In an emergency, or if you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call the police

 now on 000. 

24-hour helplines

If it’s not an emergency and you need support, you can call these numbers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you are assisting someone who does not speak English, first call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50. They can connect you with the service of your choice and interpret for you. 

  • Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline: provides support for all Western Australians including women, with or without children, who are experiencing family and domestic violence in Western Australia (including referrals to women’s refuges). Phone: 1800 007 339. *This helpline is operated by Department of Communities, and your call will be answered by a child protection worker. We are here to help.
  • Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline: provides information and referrals for men who are concerned about their violent and abusive behaviours, and for male victims of family and domestic violence in Western Australia. Phone: 1800 000 599. *This helpline is operated by Department of Communities, and your call will be answered by a child protection worker. We are here to help.
  • 1800RESPECT: a national telephone and online counselling and referral service. Phone: 1800 737 732.
  • Kids Helpline: provides 24/7 support for kids needing to talk to someone about what’s going on in their life. Phone: 1800 55 1800. Online chat is available 24/7.
  • Concern for a child's wellbeing: If you are concerned about a child's wellbeing, please contact the Department of Communities Child Protection Central Intake Team on 1800 273 889. If you are calling outside of business hours, Crisis Care is available on 1800 199 008 and provides Western Australia’s after-hours response to reported concerns for a child’s safety and wellbeing and information and referrals for people experiencing crisis.  For more information about child protection.
  • MensLine Australia: 24/7 support for men and boys dealing with family and relationship difficulties. Support for men who are concerned that their behaviour is hurting the people they care about. Phone: 1300 78 99 78.
  • Sexual Assault Resource Centre: provides a range of free services to people affected by sexual violence. Phone: (08) 6458 1828 or free call 1800 199 888.

WA Police

  • In an emergency dial 000
  • Police Operations phone: 131 444

To report an incident of family and domestic violence call police on 131 444. Calls to 131 444 from most regional areas are automatically directed to the nearest police station. This number and the triple zero service (000) can be accessed via the National Relay Service on TTY 106.

SMSAssist is a text messaging service for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, which can be used to contact WA Police and request assistance. It should not be relied upon in an emergency and the service only applies to Western Australia. To use SMSAssist dial 0403 277 478.

See the WA Police website for more information on how to report domestic and family violence to the police.

Search for family and domestic violence services near you

The Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing has developed a service directory that enables you to search via service type and location. It includes information about family and domestic violence services including crisis accommodation, counselling, places you can go for help (including one stop hubs) and services that will come to you (outreach). The Directory also provides information about services led by Aboriginal or CaLD organisations.

Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 

  • Aboriginal Family Legal Services: a not-for-profit organisation that assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to live free from family violence and sexual assault. Offers free legal services, community education and early intervention and prevention programs. Phone (08) 9355 1502; free call: 1800 469 246.
  • Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia: provides legal representation and support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Western Australia. Phone: (08) 9265 6666 (business hours) or (08) 9265 6644 (after hours); free call: 1800 019 900 from anywhere in Western Australia.
  • Marnin Family Support and Legal Unit: Delivers culturally appropriate legal representation and non-legal holistic support services for Aboriginal women and children in the Fitzroy Crossing area experiencing family and domestic violence. Phone: (08) 9191 5284.
  • Albany Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service: Legal service in the Albany area for Aboriginal adults and children experiencing domestic and family violence. Phone: (08) 9842 7751; free call: 1800 557 187.

Support services

  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) are based in different parts of WA.  Find out more about ACCOs in your area.
  • Wellmob: provides social, emotional and cultural wellbeing resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
  • Aboriginal Interpreting WA: provides interpreters accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) in more than 18 Kimberley and central desert Indigenous languages to clients anywhere in Australia. Phone (08) 9192 3981; free call: 1800 330 331.
  • Djinda Service: provides advocacy and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children in the Perth metropolitan area who have experienced family violence or sexual assault. Phone: (08) 6164 0650.

Services for children and young people

  • Kids Helpline is a free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25 in Australia. Free call 1800 551 800 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Visit the Kids Helpline website to access email or web counselling services.
  • The Patricia Giles Centre for Non-Violence provides individual counselling, group programs, camps and family day outings for clients, mostly children aged 4 to 18, who have witnessed and/or experienced violence in the family. Phone: (08) 9300 0340. 

Services for culturally and linguistically diverse people

  • Luma Multicultural Women’s Advocacy and Support: promotes the safety of women from migrant, refugee, or culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Outreach services are in Rockingham/Fremantle, Gosnells, Mirrabooka and Northbridge. Phone: (08) 9328 1200.
  • Multicultural Services Centre of WA: provides a range of programs and services to migrants and refugees. Phone: (08) 9328 2699.
  • Centrelink – Multicultural and Multilingual Services: speak with a skilled bilingual service officer about Centrelink payments and services. Phone: 131 202 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm).
  • Kin - Disability Advocacy for Diverse Communities: aims to safeguard the rights of ethnic people with disabilities and their families. Phone: (08) 9388 7455; free call 1800 659 921.
  • Family Safety Pack: this resource has been developed by the Australian Government Department of Social Services with information on Australia’s laws regarding domestic and family violence, sexual assault and forced marriage. It aims to reduce violence against women from CALD backgrounds, by ensuring they understand their rights and where to get support if needed. The pack includes factsheets on a range of topics, translated into over 40 languages.

Services for people of diverse sex, sexuality and gender

Living Proud LGBTI Community Services of WA aims to promote the wellbeing of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and other sexuality, sex and gender diverse people in Western Australia. Phone: (08) 9486 9855; QLife Counselling Line free call: 1800 184 527; Qlife webchat.

  • Legal Aid WA: the Domestic Violence Legal Unit provides legal advice and assistance regarding family violence issues including restraining orders and safety issues. Phone: (08) 9261 6804.
  • Women’s Legal Service WA: community legal centre that provides legal services to women across WA. Phone: (08) 9272 8800; Country free call: 1800 625 122.
  • Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre: provides legal and advocacy services to people (mostly those living in the northern suburbs of Perth). Phone: (08) 9440 1663 (Mirrabooka) or (08) 9301 4413 (Joondalup).
  • Fremantle Community Legal Centre: legal and non-legal support services and referrals for those on low incomes in Fremantle and surrounding area. A Family Violence lawyer is available for victim-survivors of family violence in the Fremantle area. Phone: (08) 9432 9790.
  • Gosnells Community Legal Centre: legal services for those on low income (mostly those living in Gosnells and surrounding area). Phone: (08) 9398 1455.
  • SCALES Community Legal Centre: provides free legal advice, information and representation to low income people living in the Kwinana and Rockingham areas. Phone (08) 9550 0400.
  • Circle Green Community Legal: community legal centre that provides state-wide specialist legal services in employment, residential tenancy law, family and domestic violence, and migration services. Phone (08) 6148 3636.
  • Midlas Community Legal Centre: provides legal and non-legal support services to Perth’s North Eastern suburbs (mostly those living in the City of Swan catchment area). Phone: (08) 9250 2123.
  • Shelter WA FDV Toolkit: help educate and provided need information about reform  to tenancy legislation regarding Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) to community housing providers in Western Australia.  

Financial abuse

  • Your Toolkit helps women and their children facing financial or other domestic abuse become empowered through increased skills and knowledge, supporting them on their journey to an independent, confident and safe life.
  • FCAWA supports all financial counsellors and financial capability workers in WA ensuring best practice by providing access to professional development, information, resources, and relevant casework support. 

Family and domestic violence and the workplace

Family and domestic violence and technology

Technology can be an important way to connect with family, friends and community. Unfortunately, technology can also be used by perpetrators seeking to stalk and abuse women, or restrict communication.

Before installing any personal safety app, consider whether an abusive person monitors your device, has had physical access to your device in the past, or may have access to it in the future. It may not be safe to download a personal safety app in these circumstances.

Before engaging with a personal safety app, survivors are encouraged to discuss the pros and cons with their support service and include it in their safety planning.

More information about technology-based abuse is available from:

Personal safety apps

  • Daisy: Daisy is 1800RESPECT’s app to connect people experiencing violence or abuse to services in their local area. 
  • Sunny: Sunny is 1800RESPECT’s app for women with disability who have experienced violence and abuse. Sunny has been co-designed with women with disability.

Cover your tracks online

For information about how to browse incognito and/or erase your history, see the eSafety Commissioner website. 

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