Volunteering Development Services

Building community capacity, self-sufficiency and inclusiveness through volunteering.
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We fund Volunteering Development Services to develop the capability of individuals, community groups and organisations to respond to their communities’ needs through volunteer involvement. They support volunteers and assist with building community capacity, self-sufficiency and inclusiveness through community participation and individual contribution.

The State Government continues its commitment to supporting regional volunteers and community organisations. As part of Royalties for Regions, the Government has committed an additional $2.1 million over the next three years towards the Volunteering Development Services Program.

Volunteering Development Services Review

In collaboration with the volunteering sector a consultative review of the Volunteering Development Services Program was conducted throughout 2020-21. It aimed to improve the distribution of volunteering services across the State and support a flexible, localised approach that responds to community needs. A summary of stakeholder feedback is contained in the Volunteering Development Services Program Review 2021: Stakeholder Consultation Report and informed the new funding model implemented in 2022.

Volunteering Development Services alongside Volunteer Resource Centres are located throughout Western Australia.

If you have any queries, please email the Volunteering team at volunteering@communities.wa.gov.au.