Apply for a Road Safety Commission Grant

The Road Safety Community Grant Program supports the development and implementation of sustainable projects and one-off community activities related to road safety.
Last updated:

The Government of Western Australia has made funds available from the Road Trauma Trust Account (RTTA) for community initiatives that assist in promoting road safety messages across the state.

Our Community Event Grants provide funding to support road safety promotions and some applicable event costs, to engage community on a relevant road safety message. These grants aim to inform community and to help save lives on Western Australian roads. You can apply for Event Grants up to $5000.

Our Community Project Grants provide funding to support a road safety project and applicable project costs, to engage community of a relevant road safety issue in a region. The project will address a road safety issue, to solve, inform or reduce the risk, to help save lives on Western Australian roads. you can apply for project grants up to $25,000.

Apply for a Road Safety Commission Grant

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