Volunteering with Keep Australia Beautiful Council

There are many ways you can get involved and volunteer with us.
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Volunteer for the environment

Volunteering for any cause is a great way to participate in your community, meet new people, use your skills or learn new ones, try new challenges and connect with like minded others.

Participating in Keep Australia Beautiful Council (KABC) programs can help protect native wildlife and conserve bushlands and waterways to create a cleaner and safer place to live.

If you are seeking a volunteering experience with KABC there are a few ways you can get involved:

We encourage you to read through the KABC volunteer policy.

Volunteering in nature is good for your health

Did you know that volunteering by connecting in nature is good for the environment but also good for our physical and mental health too?

According to our partners at Mentally Healthy WA, Act Belong Commit program - being active, having a sense of belonging, and having a purpose in life all contribute to happiness and good mental health.

KABC encourages Western Australians to keep mentally, physically and socially active by getting out into their natural environment and connecting with simple environmental activities.

Annual clean up opportunities

Volunteer to do litter clean ups in your community.

Ongoing clean up program



Clean Up Australia Day


Earth Day


World Environment Day

World Oceans Day

Plastic Free July


KAB Week


Great Northern Clean up

World Clean up Day

Clean up the World


WA Beach Clean up