Multi-agency Case Management

An integrated, interagency approach to supporting people at high risk of serious injury, harm or death due to family and domestic violence. The approach includes information sharing between agencies and the development of a multi-agency safety plan to reduce the identified risks.
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Multi-agency case management (MACM) is a critical feature of an effective integrated response. It provides a platform for agencies to share information, develop comprehensive risk assessments, plan strategies to mitigate risks and work towards child and adult victim safety and perpetrator accountability. MACM is also important for creating transparency and accountability between agencies about their roles and responsibilities in responding to family and domestic violence.

The philosophy for MACM as outlined in these guidelines is to provide short term, coordinated intervention that works to reduce or mitigate the identified risks. The aims of MACM are to:

  • determine whether the perpetrator poses a significant risk to the victim
  • jointly construct and implement a multi-agency safety plan that includes risk management, professional support for the child and adult victim and strategies to improve safety
  • support a criminal justice system response to perpetrators
  • reduce repeat victimisation
  • reduce re-offending by the perpetrator
  • improve agency accountability
  • improve support for staff involved in high risk cases of domestic violence.

MACM does not replace the work of individual agencies nor does it eliminate the need for agencies to work in collaboration outside of the meetings.