Approved Register of Common Use Arrangement Buyers

Lists all organisations approved by the Department of Finance to buy from Common Use Arrangements.
Last updated:

This list helps Common Use Arrangement (CUA) contracted suppliers identify if a person or body is authorised to access their government contracts. This list includes State agencies as defined by the Procurement Act 2020, Western Australian Government Training Enterprises, Western Australian Local Governments and other bodies approved by the Department of Finance (Finance) such as universities and charities.


Western Australian Government agencies bound by the Procurement Act 2020

When a CUA is mandatory, the following WA Government agencies must buy from contracted CUA suppliers. However, buying rules vary from one CUA to the next, with some being mandatory state-wide while others are only mandatory for purchasing in the Perth region.

Regional-based offices can apply local purchasing discretion under the Buy Local Policy.

Exclusions may apply in the following situations:

  • where a State agency has an existing contract in place prior to the award of the CUA
  • when exemptions have been approved by Finance.


  • Agricultural Produce Commission
  • Animal Resources Authority
  • Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority
  • Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (trading as Construction Training Fund)
  • Building Services Board
  • Burswood Park Board
  • Central Regional TAFE
  • Chemistry Centre (WA)
  • Child and Adolescent Health Service
  • Commissioner for Children and Young People
  • Construction Industry Long Service Leave Payments Board
  • Corruption and Crime Commission
  • Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
  • Department of Communities
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Finance
  • Department of Fire and Emergency Services
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation
  • Department of Justice
    • Albany Regional Prison
    • Bandyup Women's Prison
    • Boronia Pre-release Centre for Women
    • Broome Regional Prison
    • Bunbury Regional Prison
    • Casuarina Prison
    • Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison
    • Greenough Regional Prison
    • Hakea Prison
    • Karnet Prison
    • Pardelup Prison
    • Roebourne Prison
    • West Kimberley Regional Prison
    • Wooroloo Prison
    • Banksia Hill Detention Centre
    • Regional Juvenile Remand Centres
    • Office of the Public Advocate
    • Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
  • Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
    • Board of the Art Gallery of Western Australia
    • Western Australian Museum
    • Arts and Culture Trust
    • ArtsWA
    • State Records Office
    • The Library Board of Western Australia
  • Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
    • Energy Policy Western Australia
  • Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage
  • Department of the Premier and Cabinet
    • State Law Publisher
  • Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
  • Department of the Registrar, WA Industrial Relations Commission
  • Department of Training and Workforce Development
  • Department of Transport
  • Department of Treasury
  • Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
  • East Metropolitan Health Service
  • Economic Regulation Authority
  • Equal Opportunity Commission
  • Forest Products Commission
  • Gascoyne Development Commission
  • Gold Corporation
  • Goldfields Esperance Development Commission
  • Government Employees’ Superannuation Board
  • Great Southern Development Commission
  • Health and Disability Services Complaint Office
  • Health Support Services
  • Heritage Council of Western Australia
  • Infrastructure WA
  • Insurance Commission of Western Australia
  • Keep Australia Beautiful Council (WA)
  • Kimberley Development Commission
  • Law Reform Commission of Western Australia
  • Legal Aid Commission of WA
  • Lotteries Commission of Western Australia (Lotterywest)
  • Main Roads Western Australia
  • Mental Health Commission
  • Metropolitan Cemeteries Board
  • Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority
  • Mid West Development Commission
  • Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia
  • National Trust of Australia (WA)
  • North Metropolitan Health Service
  • North Metropolitan TAFE
  • North Regional TAFE
  • Office of the Auditor General
  • Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
  • Office of the Information Commissioner
  • Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services
  • Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations
  • Parliamentary Inspector of the Corruption and Crime Commission of Western Australia
  • PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA
  • Peel Development Commission
  • Pilbara Development Commission
  • Public Sector Commission
  • Public Transport Authority of Western Australia
  • Public Trustee
  • Quadriplegic Centre
  • Racing and Wagering Western Australia
  • Rottnest Island Authority
  • Rural Business Development Corporation
  • School Curriculum and Standards Authority
  • Small Business Development Corporation
  • South Metropolitan Health Service
  • South Metropolitan TAFE
  • South Regional TAFE
  • South West Development Commission
  • Swan Bells Foundation Inc
  • Trustees of the Public Education Endowment Trust
  • Western Australian Tourism Commission
  • WA Country Health Service
  • Western Australia Police Force
    • Road Safety Commission
  • Western Australian Electoral Commission
  • Western Australian Energy Disputes Arbitrator
  • Western Australian Greyhound Racing Association
  • Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation (Healthway)
  • Western Australian Institute of Sport
  • Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate)
  • Western Australian Meat Industry Authority
  • Western Australian Planning Commission
  • Western Australian Sports Centre Trust (VenuesWest)
    • HBF Arena
    • HBF Stadium
    • SpeedDome
    • WA Athletics Stadium
    • Champion Lakes Regatta Centre
    • RAC Arena
    • Motorplex
    • NIB Stadium
    • Bendat Basketball Centre
    • WA Rugby Centre
  • Western Australian Treasury Corporation
  • Wheatbelt Development Commission
  • WorkCover Western Australia
  • Zoological Parks Authority

Other entities on the approved register

In addition to the previously listed WA Government agencies, various other government agencies (State and Federal) and charities have approval from Finance to buy from most CUAs.

The following government entities can buy from contracted CUA suppliers. They are not obligated to do so, even when the CUA is mandatory as they are not bound by the Procurement Act 2020.

Other Government entities including Government Trading Enterprises (GTE) and universities

Other WA Government entities

  • Architects Board of Western Australia
  • Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
  • Bunbury Water Corporation (Aqwest)
  • Busselton Water Corporation
  • Commonwealth Parliamentary Association WA Branch
  • Fremantle Ports Authority
  • Governor's Establishment
  • Horizon Power
  • Kimberley Ports Authority
  • Legal Practice Board Western Australia
  • Legislative Assembly
  • Legislative Council
  • Mid West Ports Authority
  • Parliamentary Services Department (WA)
  • Pilbara Ports Authority
  • Southern Ports Authority
  • State Government Ministerial and Electorate Offices (CUA purchases not to be used for party political purposes)
  • Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation (Synergy)
  • Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia
  • Veterinary Surgeons Board of Western Australia
  • Water Corporation
  • Western Power
  • Western Australian Land Authority (t/a Development WA)


  • Edith Cowan University
  • Curtin University
  • Murdoch University
  • University of Notre Dame
  • University of Western Australia
  • University of Queensland

Other government entities

  • Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
  • Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
  • National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority

Local government authorities

All Western Australian Local Government entities are able to access CUAs.

Charitable Institutions

In order to purchase from a CUA, a charitable institution must be:

If an approved user does not access a CUA within a 2-year period, Finance may remove them from the Approved Users list.

Organisations that have been approved and registered as a CUA user by Finance include:

  • 360 Health and Community Limited
  • 4Lifeskills Inc
  • 55 Central Inc
  • Ability Centre Australasia
  • Aboriginal Art Centre Hub Western Australia
  • Aboriginal Health Council of WA
  • Aboriginal Hostels Limited
  • Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Inc
  • AccessAbility WA INC
  • Access Care Network Australia Pty Ltd
  • Access Housing Australia Ltd
  • Access Plus WA Deaf Inc
  • ACTIV Foundation Inc
  • Adult and Teen Challenge WA Inc
  • Advocare Incorporated
  • Air Force Association (Western Australian Division) Inc
  • Albany Baptist Church Incorporated
  • Albany Community Care Centre (WA) Inc
  • Albany Halfway House
  • Albany Historical Society Inc
  • Albany & Regional Volunteer Service Inc
  • Albany Worklink Inc
  • Albany Youth Support Association
  • Alinea Inc.
  • Alzheimer's WA
  • Amana Living Incorporated
  • Amaroo Care Services Inc
  • Anglicare WA
  • Arthritis Foundation of WA Inc
  • Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation
  • Association for Service to Torture and Trauma Survivors Inc
  • Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia
  • Asthma Foundation of WA Inc
  • Australian Red Cross Society - Western Australian Division
  • Autism Association of Western Australia Inc
  • Avivo: Live Life Inc
  • Avon Youth Community & Family Services Inc
  • Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation
  • Banjima Native Title Aboriginal Corporation
  • Baptistcare WA Limited
  • Bedingfeld Park Inc
  • Bethesda Hospital Inc
  • Bizlink Inc.
  • Bladder and Bowel Health Australia
  • Bloodwood Tree Assoc Inc
  • Boab Health Services Pty Ltd
  • Breakaway Aboriginal Corporation
  • Breast Cancer Care WA inc
  • Brightwater Care Group (Inc)
  • Broome Community Information, Resource Centre and Learning Exchange Incorporated
  • Bruce Rock Community Resource Centre Inc
  • Brunswick Community Resource Centre Incorporated
  • Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (Inc)
  • Calvary Youth Services Mandurah Inc
  • Cancer Council of Western Australia (Inc)
  • Care & Share Community Services Group Incorporated
  • Care Options Inc
  • Carers Association of Western Australia Inc
  • Casson Homes Inc
  • Cat Welfare Society Inc
  • Catholic Education Western Australia Limited (CEWA)
  • Catholic Homes Inc
  • Central Desert Native Title Services Limited
  • Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing Inc
  • Centrecare Inc
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA
  • Children’s Hospice Association Inc
  • Children’s Hospital Child Care Centre
  • Chorus Australia Ltd
  • Clan Midland Inc
  • Clontarf Foundation
  • Collective Hope Community Services Ltd
  • Communicare Inc
  • Community Vision
  • Connectivity Traumatic Brain Injury Australia
  • Consumer Of Mental Health Wa (Inc)
  • Council on the Ageing WA Inc
  • Crosslinks Inc
  • Crossways Community Services
  • Curtin Heritage Living Inc
  • Cystic Fibrosis Association of WA Inc
  • DADAA Ltd
  • Dale Cottages Incorporated
  • Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Inc
  • Derby Aboriginal Health Service Council Aboriginal Corporation
  • Desert Support Services Pty Ltd
  • Diabetes WA Ltd
  • Directions Disability Support Services Inc
  • Diversity South Inc
  • Edge Employment Solutions Inc
  • Epilepsy Association of Western Australia (Inc)
  • Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation
  • Ethnic Communities Council of WA
  • Fairbridge Western Australia Inc
  • Fitzgerald Biosphere Group Inc
  • Foodbank of Western Australia
  • Forgotten Australians Coming Together Inc – trading as ‘Tuart Place’
  • Forrest Personnel Ltd
  • Free Reformed Church of Albany
  • Free Reformed Retirement Village Assn Inc
  • Fremantle Italian Aged Persons Service Association Inc
  • Fremantle Women’s Health Centre Inc
  • Friends With Dignity
  • Geegeelup Village Inc
  • Geographe Catchment Council
  • Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service Inc
  • Geraldton Streetwork Aboriginal Corporation
  • The Gillamii Centre Incorporated
  • Gingin District Community Resource Centre Inc
  • Good Samaritan Industries
  • Gosnells Community Legal Centre Inc
  • GP Down South Ltd
  • Grand Lodge of Western Australia Freemasons Homes for the Aged Inc
  • Green Skills Inc
  • Gumala Aboriginal Corporation
  • Harold Hawthorne Senior Citizens’ Centre and Homes
  • Health Consumers’ Council (WA) Inc
  • Healthdirect Australia Ltd
  • Hellenic Community Benevolent Association lnc
  • HepatitisWA
  • Hocart Lodge Aged Centre Inc
  • Holyoake Australian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Resolution Inc
  • Home and Lifestyle Options Inc (HALO)
  • Hope Community Services Inc
  • Huntington’s Australia Limited
  • Huntington’s WA (Inc)
  • identitywa
  • Inclusion WA Inc
  • Indigo Junction Incorporated
  • Indigo Australasia Incorporated
  • Innovation Unit Australia New Zealand Limited
  • Intelife Group Limited
  • Interchange Inc
  • Italian Aged Care Incorporated
  • Jobs South West Inc
  • John Curtin Aged Care Inc
  • Jurien Bay Telecentre Inc
  • Kaata-Koorliny Employment and Enterprise Development Aboriginal Corporation (KEEDAC)
  • Kada-Modda Maambakoort Aboriginal Association
  • Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation
  • Kids are Kids! Therapy and Education Centre Inc
  • Kids Camps Inc trading as Cahoots Org
  • Kidsafe Western Australia (Inc) 
  • Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services’ Council Inc
  • Kimberley Personnel Inc
  • KIN Disability Advocacy Inc
  • Kuditj Pty Ltd
  • LAMP (Incorporated)
  • Leschenault Catchment Council
  • Life Without Barriers
  • Lifeplan Recreation and Leisure Association
  • Linkwest Incorporated
  • Lions Eye Institute of Western Australia Inc
  • Mandurah Retirement Village Inc
  • Manjimup Family Centre Inc
  • Marangaroo Family Centre Inc
  • Maurice Zeffert Home (Inc)
  • Mawarnkarra Health Service Aboriginal Corporation
  • Meath Care Inc
  • Meerilinga Young Children's Services Incorporated
  • Melville Cares Inc
  • Mens Outreach Service Aboriginal Corporation
  • Mercy Community Services Ltd
  • Mercy Human Services Ltd
  • MercyCare Limited
  • Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre
  • Midland Women’s Health Care Place Inc
  • Midway Community Care
  • Midwest Community Living Association Inc
  • Milliya Rumurra Aboriginal Corporation
  • Mission Australia
  • Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Corporation
  • Mosaic Community Care Inc
  • Motor Neurone Disease Association of WA
  • Multicultural Futures Inc
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society of WA Inc
  • My Place WA Ltd
  • My Way Community Alliance Inc
  • Nannup Community Resource Centre Inc
  • Nardine Wimmin’s Refuge Inc
  • Narrogin Cottage Homes Inc
  • National Heart Foundation of Australia (WA) Division
  • Neurological Council of WA (Inc)
  • Ngadju Native Title Aboriginal Corporation
  • Ngaanyatjarra Health Service
  • Ngala Community Services
  • Ngangganawili Aboriginal Community Controlled Health & Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation
  • Ngarliyarndu Bindirri Aboriginal Corporation (NBAC)
  • Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Corporation
  • Nomads Charitable and Educational Foundation
  • Noongar Mia Mia Pty Ltd
  • Northcliffe Family Centre Inc
  • Northern Agricultural Catchments Council
  • Northern Compassion Inc
  • Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre Inc
  • Nulsen Group Inc
  • Nyamba Buru Yawuru Ltd
  • Nyoongar Patrol Outreach 
  • Outcare Ltd
  • Palmerston Association Inc
  • Parkerville Children and Youth Care Inc
  • Parkinson's Western Australia Inc
  • Pat Thomas House Inc
  • Paupiyala Tjaruta Aboriginal Corporation
  • Peel Community Legal Services Inc
  • Peel-Harvey Catchment Council
  • Peer Based Harm Reduction WA Incorporated
  • Perth Childrens Hospital Foundation Limited
  • Perth Festival Special Projects Limited
  • Perth Inner City Youth Service
  • Perth Mobile GP Service Ltd
  • Perth Observatory Volunteer Group Inc
  • Perth Region NRM Inc
  • Pilbara Community Legal Service
  • Pilbara Meta Maya Regional Aboriginal Corporation
  • Presbyterian Church in WA Presbyterian Homes for the Aged
  • Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Services (PAMS)
  • Ray Village Aged Services Inc
  • Rebound WA Inc
  • Relationships Australia (Western Australia) Inc
  • Retirees WA Inc
  • Richmond Fellowship of Western Australia Inc
  • Rise Network Inc
  • Riverview Community Services Inc
  • Rocky Bay Limited
  • Rosewood Care Group (Inc)
  • Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (Western Operations)
  • Royal Perth Hospital Medical Research Foundation Incorporated
  • Ruah Community Services
  • Ruah Legal Services Ltd
  • Saltwater Country Ltd
  • Save the Children Australia
  • Saving Animals From Euthanasia Inc (SAFE)
  • Scitech Discovery Centre
  • SecondBite WA
  • Senses Australia
  • Sexuality Education Counselling & Consulting Agency – SECCA
  • Shelter WA Inc
  • Short Term Accommodation for Youth (STAY)
  • SHQ (Sexual Health Quarters)
  • Silver Chain Group Limited
  • SolarisCare Foundation
  • South Coast Natural Resource Management Inc
  • South Metropolitan Youth Link
  • South Perth Hospital Inc
  • South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council
  • South West Aboriginal Medical Service 
  • South West Catchments Council
  • South West Refuge Inc
  • Southcare Inc
  • Southern Aboriginal Corporation
  • Southern Cross Care (WA) Inc
  • St Bartholomew’s House Inc
  • St Basil’s Aged Care in Western Australia (Vasileias) Inc
  • St John Ambulance Australia (WA Ambulance Service Inc)
  • St John of God Health Care Inc
  • St Patrick’s Community Support Centre Ltd
  • St Vincent De Paul Society (WA) Inc
  • Starick Services Inc
  • Stellar Living Ltd
  • Stirling Ethnic Aged Homes Assoc Inc
  • Strive Community Services Inc
  • Subiaco Church of Christ
  • Surf Life Saving Western Australia Inc
  • Sussex Street Community Law Service Inc
  • SwanCare Group Inc
  • Swan Christian Education Association INC
  • Technology for Ageing and Disability WA Inc
  • Telethon Kids Institute
  • Telethon Speech and Hearing Ltd
  • The Bethanie Group Inc
  • The Dyslexia-SPELD Foundation WA Inc
  • The Equity Benevolent Guild of Western Australia (Inc)
  • The Goldfields Indigenous Housing Organisation
  • The Home Away from Home Incorporated & Ronald McDonald House
  • The Nintirri Centre Incorporated
  • The Patricia Giles Centre Inc
  • The Returned & Services League of Australia WA Branch Incorporated (RSLWA)
  • The Royal Life Saving Society – Western Australia Inc
  • The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Western Australia (RSPCA WA)
  • The Smith Family
  • The Spiers Centre Inc
  • The Trustee for the Salvation Army (WA) Social Work
  • The University Club of Western Australia Pty Ltd
  • The Young Men’s Christian Association of Western Australia Incorporated
  • Therapy Focus Ltd
  • Tjiwarl Aboriginal Corporation
  • Tom Price Youth Support Association Inc
  • Torbay Catchment Group Inc.
  • Torchbearers for Legacy in Western Australia Inc
  • Uniting Church Homes
  • UnitingCare West
  • UWA Sport
  • Variety WA Incorporated
  • Villa Dalmacia Association Inc
  • Visibility Limited
  • Volunteer Centre of Western Australia (Volunteering WA)
  • Volunteer Home Support
  • Volunteer Marine Rescue Western Australia (Inc)
  • WA AIDS Council Inc
  • WA Assn for Mental Health Inc
  • WA Blue Sky Inc
  • WA Councilof Addictions (Cyrenian House)
  • WA Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies (WANADA)
  • WA Primary Health Alliance
  • WA Venues & Events PTY LTD
  • Waardi Limited
  • Wagyl Kaip Aboriginal Corporation
  • Wanslea Limited
  • Waratah Support Centre (South West Region) Inc
  • Wattle Hill Lodge
  • Westcare Inc
  • Western Australian Police and Community Youth Centres (Inc) (WA PCYC)
  • Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation (Jamukurnu-Yapalikunu)
  • Western Desert Puntukurnaparna Aboriginal Corporation
  • Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation
  • Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management Inc
  • Whitelion Youth Agency Ltd
  • William Langford Community House, Inc
  • Women and Infant Research Foundation Ltd
  • Womens Health Care Association Inc
  • Working Spirit Ltd
  • Workpower Inc
  • Wungening Aboriginal Corporation
  • Yaandina Community Services Limited
  • Yakanarra Aboriginal Corporation
  • Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation
  • Yamatji Southern Regional Corporation Ltd
  • YMCA of Western Australia Youth and Community Services Incorporated
  • Yogazeit Inc
  • Yorganop Association Inc
  • Yorgum Health Services Aboriginal Corporation
  • Youth Focus Inc
  • Yued Aboriginal Corporation 
  • Yugunga-Nya Native Title Corporation 
  • Yulella Aboriginal Corporation
  • Zonta House Refuge Association Inc