Business risk assessment for prequalification and tender evaluations in Department of Finance

How the Department of Finance assesses the financial risk of working with a contractor.
Last updated:

The Department of Finance conducts business risk assessments where deemed necessary, including during the builders prequalification assessment and during the tender evaluation process.

Business Risk Assessment for Prequalification and Tender Evaluations

A business risk assessment uses a range of criteria to determine if a firm has financial capacity to undertake work with the Department of Finance.

This document details how business risk assessments are conducted and used to as part of the Builders Prequalification Scheme and during the tender evaluation process, and includes:

  • the financial criteria
  • the risk ratings
  • information needed as part of the assessment.

Business Risk Assessment Calculator

A calculator to assist contracting entities to conduct a preliminary business risk assessment against the predetermined financial criteria of the Department.

This calculator is a guide only and is not a formal assessment by the Department. To use it is to accept the disclaimer in the calculator.