Peel Region Scheme Amendment 043/57 - Lot 600 Lakes Road, Nambeelup

The Minister for Planning has approved amendment 043/57 to the Peel Region Scheme (Lot 600 Lakes Road, Nambeelup – Transfer to Industrial Zone).
Last updated:

Notice of approved amendment

This amendment is shown on Western Australian Planning Commission Plan 3.2692.

The purpose of the proposed amendment is to transfer approximately 120 hectares in Nambeelup from the Rural zone to the Industrial zone in the Peel Region Scheme, to facilitate development of the land for industrial purposes.

The proposal includes Lot 600 Lakes Road, a portion of the road reserve for Lakes Road and a truncation area at the intersection of Lakes Road and Gull Road.

Giving Statutory Effect to These Amendments

The amendment to the Peel Region Scheme takes effect from Friday 25 August 2017, this being the date of publication in the Government Gazette.