Water Register

The Water Register is a web-based application allows you to search, view and print information about water availability and licences, mostly free of charge.
Last updated:

Water Register

Only current licences to take water are displayed on the register and the nature of the instrument is displayed as groundwater licences and surface water licences.

Water Register information changes daily, and is for general purposes only.

You can search for either:

  • a property to see if there is a current licence associated with it
  • a licence number to determine if it is valid
  • a licensee to see if they hold a water licence.

The search can also be used to:

  • identify the water resources on a property (for determining water availability for new licences)
  • identify all the current water licences in a resource (to identify trading opportunities).

If you are unable to find the information you need, you can ask us to produce an extract from the register for you. Data requests incur a processing fee set at $25 for the first page of data and $1 for each additional page.

To request an extract, complete and submit the online form below. We will advise you of the applicable processing fee once we have assessed your request.

If you have difficulty accessing the register or require further information, email compass@dwer.wa.gov.au.

Check water availability and licences online from the Water Register


The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation presents information on this website for the benefit of the public, other government agencies, proponents and advisors. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy, currency and reliability of the data contained on this web site. However, changes in circumstances after the publication of material may impact on its currency and relevance.

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The Water Register is produced by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. It allows you to search, view and print information about water availability and licences.

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Request documents

Please contact us for documents in alternative formats.

Disability access and inclusion plan

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation is committed to delivering services to all people with disabilities, their families and carers. View our Disability access and inclusion plan for more information.

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