Other guidelines and frameworks

These guidelines and frameworks bring together information on several different procurement related policies and practices
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This page has information and links to guidelines, frameworks and model clauses relevant to procurement related policies and practices. 

Aboriginal Procurement Policy Agency Practice Guide

The Aboriginal Procurement Policy Agency Practice Guide assists government agencies to meet the targets set out in the Aboriginal Procurement Policy.

Annual Paid Information Session for Government Cleaning and Security Contracts

General Procurement Direction 2023/01 Annual Paid Information Session for Government Cleaning and Security Contracts requires State agencies to include a special condition in ongoing contracts for cleaning and security services (valued $50,000 or above) permitting employees to attend an information session on workplace rights, at the ordinary rate of pay once per calendar year. The Direction does not apply to contracts for the delivery of services in schools and hospitals. 

Cloud Services Procurement Guideline

The Cloud Services Procurement Guideline provides information and practical advice to public authorities on the procurement pathways to source cloud and consumption-based Information and Communication Technology services.

Community Services Planning in Partnership Guideline

The Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy recognises the importance of building a genuine partnership between the public and not-for-profit community services sectors when planning, purchasing and delivering sustainable Community Services in Western Australia.  

The Planning in Partnership guide provides State agencies with direction and assistance on achieving this genuine partnership.  The guide outlines important factors in building a successful partnership with service providers, service users and other stakeholders. 

Contracting with the Western Australian Government - A Guide for Aboriginal Businesses

The Contracting with the Western Australian Government - A Guide for Aboriginal Businesses, outlines considerations for businesses interested in contracting with the Western Australian Government and has been developed to support the Aboriginal Procurement Policy. 

Environmental Procurement Guideline

The Environmental Procurement Guideline provides additional information and practical advice to State agencies on how to integrate environmental sustainability considerations into the procurement process.

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Western Australian Social Procurement Framework and accompanying practice guide with a focus on delivering improved Community Outcomes.

Financial Guidelines for Government Agencies – Commissioning Community Services

The Financial Guidelines for Government Agencies – Commissioning Community Services set out key Financial Management Principles, clarify Government’s authorising environment including relevant roles and responsibilities, and provide guidance on the costing and benchmarking of community services.

Free Trade Agreement Guidelines

The Free Trade Agreement Guidelines provide government agencies with information on conducting government procurement in accordance with the Free Trade Agreements.

Gender Equality in Procurement

General Procurement Direction 2024/02 Gender Equality in Procurement - Disclosure Clause requires State agencies to include a gender equality disclosure clause in all goods, services, works and community services approach to market documents for procurements with an estimated contract value of $250,000 and above. 

Guidance for State agencies and suppliers, and the disclosure clause, can be found on the Gender Equality in Procurement page. 

Managing Works Projects Other Than Non-Residential Buildings

General Procurement Direction 2023/02 – Managing Works Projects Other Than Non-Residential Buildings requires State agencies to seek support for works projects, other than non-residential buildings, where the State agency does not have the authority to independently undertake these works projects.  

Preventing procurement fraud

Agencies practising due diligence can complete checks and report fraud or corruption during the procurement process. The Preventing procurement fraud section will provide more information and guidance. 

Procurement Practice Guidelines: Buy Local and Western Australian Industry Participation Strategy

The Buy Local Policy and Western Australian Industry Participation Strategy (WAIPS) and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) may impact public authorities decisions when seeking suppliers in the procurement of goods and services.

Sponsorship in Government Guidelines

The Sponsorship in Government Guidelines provide information about sponsorship in government.

Sponsorship is the right to associate the sponsor’s name, products or services with the sponsored organisation’s service, product or activity, in return for negotiated and specific benefits such as cash or in-kind support or promotional opportunities. 

Supplier Wage Audit

The Supplier Wage Audit (SWA) unit of the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety proactively monitors and audits the compliance of Government suppliers with employment obligations under applicable industrial laws and instruments.

State Agencies are required to insert clauses in contract documentation to ensure SWA has the authority to audit government suppliers.

The Supplier Wage Audit Model Clause is provided to assist State Agencies with implementing these requirements within agency specific contract documentation.

Western Australian Social Procurement Framework

The WA Social Procurement Framework applies to all State agencies, as defined in the Procurement Act 2020.

Practice guidance can be found on the Western Australian Social Procurement Framework page. 

Work Health and Safety in Procurement

The Work Health and Safety in Procurement Guideline provides an additional resource for agencies to use when they identify work health and safety risks in the procurement context. This guideline is intended to support compliance with procurement policy and WHS laws. It includes model clauses that can be adapted for use procurement documentation and contract conditions, where appropriate.